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what time should chickens get up in the morning?

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i have had my chickens for a couple of days now and i am quite new to this.


i close the eglu door at 6:30 when they go in to roost but when i open the door at 7:00 they dont come out they just stay there for about half an hour, and then slowly come out.


is there a cirtain time they should be let out?

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'fraid my poor little girls yet rudely awakened at 6.30 when my OH lets them out before we go to work - they hurtle out like a bunch of loons and make straight for the feeders!


Think they're now the equivalent of teenagers, they used to toddle off to bed around dusk, now they want to stay out till its VERY dark :lol:

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I know what you mean - I was beginning to think they positively enjoyed the game of 'IN....IN.... COME HERE....NO, NOT THAT WAY......' every single night because they wouldn't go to bed on their own but waited for me to appear in chivvying mode. However, last night they were as good as gold and went to bed like normal hens before I did the evening clear-up.

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The shame about wintertime is that the chooks get up later and later in the dark mornings. Even if I open the door early they don't come out until it's light. Also they go to bed early too when the nights draw in. Mine are going to bed earlier and earlier each day now.


Chooks have an amazing built in clock. They just know to put themselves to bed about 15mins before dusk. Sometimes I look out and think it's still light and they are in bed, but then 10 mins later darkness decends.


Roll on next summer when they wake at 4am and go to bed at 10pm........

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Koolchick, I leave the door open unless it is really cold (I think a lot of us do) that way my girls can get up when they like. I have been out in the garden when its only just coming light - to check they have feed before I go to work - and they have been already up and out. Admittedly they were a bit 'sleepy'!


They usually get up at dawn when the birds start singing which is why if you keep the door closed they complain a bit if they are shut in when its light I think. :roll:

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This morning 6.15, torch in hand, I ventured out to see to my girls. They live in part of my shed and i need to poo pick their house every morning or i get pooey eggs. :roll: Anyway, they were all asleep as it was still dark. Their vision is as good as ours, ie: bad in the dark so they stumbled out the house and waited for the swoosh of the torch to show them the dried mealworm treat i sprinkled about. (I know treats should be in the pm but i now only get back from work in the dark now too so it's the oter way round. A few weeks ago they'd be there to great me in the run as i leave the house door open all the time. I hate winter :x means less chook watching time.

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AYe, can sympathise... we leave home around 6.30am and don't get home till gone 5.30/6pm most days, so once the clocks go back we'll hardly see our girls :(


on the plus side it gives me time to point out to my OH how much he misses seeing them and therefore how he simply HAS to let me add to them asap :mrgreen:

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I'm dreading the clocks going back!! :shameonu:


Our girls are going to bed at the moment around 6.30, and getting up about 7.30/8 (depending when I can face pulling myself out of my warm duvet cover!). After tonight they'll be in bed around 5ish, and not getting up till after 8. I'll hardly have any time with them!! :(


I miss them already!! :boohoo:

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Oh no , its something I hadn't really thought about!!! :shock:


My 'girls' put themselves to bed between 5.45 and 6.00 pm and are up about 7 to 7.30 am! either way it means they will be out and about for less of the day - it all makes sense now why they lay much less in the winter :clap:


I wish I had got them earlier in the year so I would have more time to get to know them - not easy when you're working :(

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