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Mrs Frugal

Bomb Squad in Stamford!!!

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We've just been into town to go round the market and half the town centre is taped off! There's a bomb scare :shock: !! There must be at least a dozen police cars on the roads leading in and out of the main shopping street and the policemen won't let you anywhere near. The bomb squad lorry is skewed across the road in front of a shop where a suspect package has been found. I bet it's just someone's frozen peas and Crunchy Nut Cornflakes left in a changing room by mistake :roll: . Not very often that sleepy old Stamford gets any excitement. Just hope it's a false alarm!

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That's a bit scarey!


I used to work in a pub in the Bus Station in Edinburgh, and we once got evacuated because of a bomb scare.


Turned out soem student had put their rucksack down when he got off his bus, while he got his phone out of his pocket and forgot to pick it back up again.


He came running back to get it, just as the bomb squad did a controlled explosion on a weeks worth of dirty boxers and socks!



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It was in the town centre, just near the London Inn if you know that, Laura. Apparently someone jumped out of a 4x4 and left a package outside "Poppies" dress shop, jumped back in and drove off. The bomb squad have done a controlled explosion and everything's now back to normal but it's the most exciting thing to happen in Sleepy Stamford for years!! The police were shouting at everyone to get round the corner and move away when we arrived in town! So glad it wasn't anything in the end! Phew!!

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Think it's all over now, Buffie. Our house is right on the far edge of town so even if there was an explosion, we'd not know anything about it, fortunately - unless there was something nasty in there, of course. I think they've opened the roads again now, thank goodness. The boys are going to be really miffed they missed the excitement as they go to school in the next town! Glad the bomb squad didn't have to diffuse anything nasty.



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When I worked for Holland and Holland, their offices were (and still are, I think) in Bruton Street. We had a bomb scare in the road once and were not allowed to leave the building.


I was spotted by the boss (who had popped across to the Hermes shop before the excitement) hanging out of the window watching the little robot thing being driven down to the suspect package. He called the office and the next thing I knew 2 lads from the gun room came charging up to the 2nd floor and marched me off to the basement (very hot, sweaty and smelly with everyone in there in high summer). I didnt even realise I was supposed to be down there - no one had told me! :oops:

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