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4 posh chickens of fate???

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I was driving to work yesterday morning.... more or less through Bradford town center...... I had stopped to go into a news agent, on my way out I heard a bok boking! To start with I thought I was just going barmy! But i went to investigate, and behind the row of houses / shops I found 2 silkies (with very blue ears) and two others, not exactly sure what they were, but I think pure breeds. :shock: I wandered around a bit looking for a henhouse they may have escaped from, but no sign of anything. they were in the car park of some kind of small factory. They seemed quite happy. I wasn't sure what to do so I watched them for 10 mins and then left. I went back again today and they were still there, but a bit further down. I saw a man in a house that backed onto it and asked where they lived, but I couldn't understand what he said! I dont think English was his first language. he didn't seem suprised to see the chooks so I left them. I assume they are being cared for. I'm not sure what to do. If it was just one girl, Id assume she was a chicken of fate and 'rescue' her but as they look like a happy little family I guess I need to leave them to it. Also if they were gingers, I'd think they were there to be fattened up for the asian shops around to sell as meat. But who'd have pure breeds and leave them wandering around car parks and litter???? I may pop back with a handfull of corn..... just in case.

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Could you maybe go and post a note/sign in the area where you've seen the chickens? Asking if they have a home, and hope the owner sees it and replies?


Bless them, hope they're safe. Surely four nice girls like that wouldn't be left on their own.



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Errrmmm, if there are asian shops around, could some also be chinese? Aren't silkies a chinese delicacy? :?


Edited to add: found this on wikipedia:

The black meat of a Silkie is generally considered an unusual or unpalatable attribute in European and American cuisines.[17] In contrast, several Asian cuisines consider Silkie meat a gourmet food. Chinese cuisine especially values the breed, but is also a common ingredient in some Japanese, Cambodian and Korean dishes. Areas where Chinese cuisine has been a strong influence, such as Malaysia, may also cook Silkie. As early as the 7th century, traditional Chinese medicine has held that chicken soup made with Silkie meat is a curative food.[18] The usual methods of cooking include using Silkie to make broth, braising, and in curries. Traditional Chinese soup made with Silkie also uses ingredients such as wolfberries, white yam, orange peel, and fresh ginger.[19] A few fusion restaurants in metropolitan areas of the West have also cooked it as a part of traditional American or French cuisine, such as in confit.[20]

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As a bradfordian from birth and living there until 22 I have to say henthusiastic that most animals I have found near the town centre seem to be food destined! (Including a kitten I once resued :( )


I may be doing the owners a huge dis-service but I assume a pet owner would have had hen housing near by. Perhaps leave a note, and I think contacting the RSPCA would be a good idea. A good owner will have nothing nto hide and so won't mind a visit from them.

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Thanks for your replys I really dont know what to do. I went back on my way home from work and they are still there. There is, however, a chinese takeaway that backs onto the lane where I saw them :?

I am just bemused. If it was just gingers, could be for food. If it was just silkies, it could be for chinese food. But they are a variety. If they were for food, would the businesses have bought them live? Wouldn't they then be in a small cage somewhere?

Its a good idea to ask in nearby businesses to see if anybody knows about them. Think that will be my next move.

If they were abandoned, it is normal chicken behaviour that they are staying in roughly the same place?


Loads of questions I know. IF anybody has any answers to any of them Id be greatful. Or any more views of course.


Thanks again

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Hi guys,

I'm not sure if this is good news or bad news, but the 4 posh chickens of fate.......... are not chickens of fate! I went back today (armed with box) and found a bloke who know all about them. He works in the factory. Aparently they have been there since early summer. They do belong to one of the houses that backs onto the car park. Strange way to keep chickens. They have a small wooden box on its side which I guess is where they sleep. The rest of the time they just wander around amongst the car park, wheelie bin, and crisp packets. Not how I would keep chickens, but I guess they have a lot of land to roam about on. (As long as they dont' nip off down to the main road that is!)

I'm half disapointed not to be 'rescuing' them. I've always liked the idea of having a chicken of fate. But, they've got people looking after them, and they weren't really the right breed or the right time for me! So I guess its good thing all round.

Ah well. Mystery solved.


Oh yes........... and one of them cock-a-doodle-dooed just as we were leaving! :shock:

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I think I would still have a word with the council and maybe they would go down there and chat with the owner. It doesn't sound if he's all that caring about them.....was there any evidence of food or water bowls?? Or were they just being left to scavenge?



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