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blue comb

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Hi everyone


Not sure if i'm worrying over nothing but Princess Layer (bluebelle breed) has a blue comb - she had it when we got her at 20 weeks old.


She seems perfectly healthy eating, drinking, laying daily with the odd softie - rectified with limestone powder. Poos look normal.


Is this just her breed or is it a sign of something else :?:



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I have two Bluebelles. One has a reasonably red comb and dangly bits but Annie's have always looked a slightly purple colour.


She seems fit and healthy otherwise and lays about 5 eggs a week (although they are the smallest :cry: ).


Purple combs can be a sign of heart problems but if she is fit and well in all other departments I wouldn't worry because I'm not sure there is anything to be done for a dicky ticker in a chicken anyway.

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Some chickens with a lot of black in their colouring do have naturally blue/black combs. If they are well in all other respects then it is probably normal colour. Otherwise, it can be due to heart problems, frostbite, or a sign that the hen is going off lay (the comb shrinks and goes pale again).

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I've noticed this evening that my bluebelle, Audrey's comb looks like it's turning a blueish/ black in places. She seems really happy in herself but I'm worried that with the freezing temperatures lately, that she's got frostbite. If this is the case, what should I do?


I could see if I've got any vaseline and try to apply it when she's sleepy tonight. She's not too keen on being handled otherwise... If I haven't got any, will it wait until the morning? The two other girls who have large combs, look perfectly normal...

Please help- not sure what to do! :anxious:

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Thanks for the advise!

Well I've had a search around and the only remotely 'balmy' substance I could find was some Lush 'Party On' Balm! :think: Not sure that will do the trick so I'm off to buy some calendula cream first thing tomorrow :)

Do you think her comb will recover and should I be applying it everyday?

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oh groovychook, you must be way behind the times :D

Vaseline is apparently top of the list of what EVERY woman must have in her cupboard :lol:

According to daily mail last Saturday :D

OMG! Vaseline it is then!! How remiss of me to have any to hand! :shock::lol:

I found its easier putting it on if you turn your chicken upside down first. I mean on your hand not hanging by the legs. :D

Now Plum... are you winding me up?! I think Audrey would go ballistic if I attempted to do gymnastics with her! :roll::lol:

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