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The cat that practices before he kills!

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My evil :twisted: cat that is always eating mice, rats, birds (even as big as wood pigeons) and even got a squirrel the other day has got into an odd habit.


He comes in the lounge, goes to his pile of toys picks one out and plays with it for about 5-10 mins - then goes outside. Half an hour later he is back inside with a dead mouse. He was playing with his toys yesterday when we had relatives over and we were telling them about it - they went home and he came back in the house with a dead mouse 5 mins later :roll:



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This monster came to live with us 18 months ago - the vet thought he was 2-4 years then. He is certainly not like any cat I have had before. We already had 2 cats when he moved in - the let him in and when thrown out he just sat on the door step. We checked every missing cat list locally and our vets checked that he wasn't micro chipped, so he just stayed with us.



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We're slightly concerned Nero is practising for a chicken massacre - last night we got home to some kind of pigeon massacre. Feathers and guts everywhere, he'd obviously dragged it in through the flap, ripped chunks of feathers out, and then dragged it back outside, where we found all of our cats doing their best impression of a pride of lions over the body. I don't want to kiss my cats when they have bloody muzzles. I was a little creeped out by them all coming and sitting on the bed last night - like they were sizing me up for the next kill.

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I came down this morning to find the cats either side of the fridge with hubby saying 'oh I think there might be a mouse under there'. I shouted. Not a good way to start the day. I've been out most of the morning. I'm hoping its either got out or Dave has caught it and taken it outside. I just don't want a dead mouse under my fridege :vom:

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We've just finished hoovering up the feathers from our Loki's bird pressie which he always takes round to my OH's side of the bed and then plucks.


Thats just what cats do unfortunately.


Did anyone see the story about the woman who had a pet Boa Constrictor who started sleeping beside her on the bed and when she woke up it was always lying straight out beside her and when she asked her vet about it he said it was preparing to eat her and was measuring her up. :shock:


THANK GOD FOR CATS at least they dont want to eat us and a cat cuddle is always appreciated:D

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