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At what age?

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I have found a lot of information (books & on here) about hatching and then from POL onwards, but have less info on the day old - 14+ weeks stage - I would much appreaciate some more guidance on the following:


Heat lamp in the winter


I have read they can control their own body heat when fully feathered around 5 weeks. I have followed the start at 90f for 1 day olds, then drop by 5f per week by moving lamp higher each week and weaning off heat a few hours a day from around 5 weeks.


At what age would you put them in an Eglu at night (with/without heat pad)?


Roosting bars


I know they should not have roosting bars initially - at what point are their feet devloped enough that they should have roosting bars?


Wing clipping


At 4 weeks mine are very good fliers - as they are still growing at what point do people on here usually clip wings?


Feel free to add any further advice!



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eglutine was advising someone the other week on ages of being put in an eglu i think...cant remember who's post it was now though..


my chickens wings arent clipped....there was a fairly recent post about that too....not many people on that post, had clipped one of their birds wings..

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hiya yes i think it was me i had some eggs in an incubator(none hatched :cry: all infertile)

but she said that its not the time of year 1) most chickens have stopped laying and i dont think fertility will be good (like mine :( )

2) when its time to go out size it will be very cold from a house to the harsh winter's outside


i would suggest hatching in the spring/winter (what about the cockerel's) or buying some young/p.o.l from a breeder (i recently bought some 8 week pekins from storrs poultry have a look at my link in the sig)

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Sorry - I should explain they are already 4½ weeks old and in a brick shed with a heat lamp, which I have started turning off for a couple of hours as they are now feathered up.


My questions were more general, not related to this time specifically as I cannot see much on forums or books that I had - however today I took delivery of a book I had ordered from Amazon all about rearing chickens. It is not a book I would recommend for beginners, but it is great on incubation, growing chickens, layers, meat birds, plus illnesses - a good read.




hiya yes i think it was me i had some eggs in an incubator(none hatched :cry: all infertile)

but she said that its not the time of year 1) most chickens have stopped laying and i dont think fertility will be good (like mine :( )

2) when its time to go out size it will be very cold from a house to the harsh winter's outside


i would suggest hatching in the spring/winter (what about the cockerel's) or buying some young/p.o.l from a breeder (i recently bought some 8 week pekins from storrs poultry have a look at my link in the sig)

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