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In tears over chicken biting situation.

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My bumper bits arrived today so i'll try and put them on when my kids get home and can hold the chickens for me.


I showed my husband the saddles on eBay and he said he'd rather have no chickens than chickens in nappies. ha ha! They look as if they might be rather annoying to the chicken in terms of restricting their ruffling - but hey, not as annoying as being pecked to death.


So I'll try the bumper bits. I've also got Ukadex but would rather not make my chickens so stinky that we all have to shower and disinfect clothes every time we give one a cuddle. The last spray i used was completely ineffective but I know ukadex is considered to be among the best so i ordered some the other night when i went mad and thought I'd get everything under the sun to ease my stress!


I'm getting about 4 eggs a day from the 6 of them. One of them hasn't started to lay yet and 3 of them are regular layers and 2 are getting up to speed. bless em!

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try and perservere with Ukadex, it does work.


We've had a lot of problems with 1 persistent pecker and tried everything. We've been using Ukadex for a couple of months now (and still use it as a deterrent on Ella's bum) and the pecking has stopped and her feathers are growing back.


after a while I dont think the smell is so bad!....I think you get used to it. :lol:

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It was a bit tricky & it took a couple of attempts to get it right... I used a pair of circlip pliers in the end...(found them in a shop in town- £8 well spent!)


You're right to wait for help- must be very difficult to do on your own. After wrapping her up in a towel, to cut down on the 'flap factor', we soaked the bit in hot water for a few minutes to soften it & prized the prongs open with the pliers. Once we'd got her beak open, we slotted the bit part into her beak and eased the prongs into her nostrils. I can't say that it was an enjoyable experience for any of us but neither was it the nightmare experience I'd built it up to be!


She was feeling very sorry for herself for a while... poor thing... I know she's a bad girl but I love her all the same! Anyway, a couple of hours on & she's pottering about with the others & has stopped trying to remove it :pray: .


I feel so much better now that it's done... the other girls aren't flinching away from her as she approaches and it's altogether a much more peaceful group. :) ... hope I haven't tempted fate with that last bit! :anxious:

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thanks chelsea - that's encouraging. Will you have to use Ukadex forever? Did you use a bumper bit thing too?



I dont think we'll have to use it forever, just until all Ella's bum feathers are back (as my maran is attracted to her big pink bum and pecks that), so once her bum is covered we're ok.


We bought the bumper bit and never used it as the Ukadex worked. :)

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I am shocked only ordered the Ukadex from Merrydale Ebay yesterday & it has arrived.

As I am out tom am. I will do on Sunday 1st thing so that it can tone down through the day & before bed! :)

I sprayed a little on the fence at the end of the garden And was surprised it didn't smell too bads then spraytyed on a bit of old cloth... same :D I feel much better now, especially reading the encouraging reprts on it :D !!!!

Well done person that fitted the bumper bits. :clap:

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well, I've got the bits on the worst two offenders by hand with my son holding them in a towel. I will do the others in the morning since my son didn't like doing it much and I'm sure they won't come to any harm now they are shut in for the night - because they don't bite in the night. really hoping they can all get on eventually :) Was a bit nervous I hadn't got the bit on one of them quite right because her nostrils weren't so defined as on my Mrs pepperpot but she seems comfortable and they've not come off when she tries to wipe them off.

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Pistachio, I hope things have settled down now the bumper bits are on? My previously timid and bullied Legbar (Ada) has fed from my hand today for the first time :D It's just about 10 days since I fitted the bumper bit to the RI Red (Gilda) who was making her life a misery, and Ada has come on in leaps and bounds since. Even her tail feathers are coming back!

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:dance: Well - they are all Ukadexed and bumpa bit'd and they were freeranging happily together and i tried watching them shut in the run and they were completely GREAT!!!!!! One chicken went to go at the bald patch on raven and looked utterly repulsed and drew her head back in distaste :vom: They are all in the coop and I shut them in after hanging around a little listening. Not a shuffle or a peep. I shall go out early in the morning like the king to Daniel in the lion's den. but i think they are going to be alright. I'm glad I kept them sleeping together and free ranging together and their runs facing each other while they had to be apart- because it's going well now they are back together. Touch wood, fingers crossed :pray:


but i need to start a new thread about Ukadex :oops:

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looks like they may have started again :( after seeing Egluntine's pic of a bumper bit - it seems I have something different - anti pek bit. Don't know if it'll do the same thing. So tired and fed up of it all. Pecky chickens, borrowed runs, husband away with work, me ill, children ill, everything stinks of ukadex. I've just nuked the 2 injured ones again with ukadex and put more stuff in their run to distract. what can you do, eh?! :cry:

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Sorry to hear that your girls may be at it again. Just wondered if you have tried purple spray - my Sebrights were pecking each other on their backs and at the base of their tails, and I tried Stockholm Tar and then Ukadex but without any success. In desperation, and without much hope, I tried purple spray with aloe vera and it has worked! Their feathers have all grown back now and they have stopped the pecking - at least for the time being!

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