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Washing a Chicken

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I wouldn't bother with the weather being as it is. :D


A few drops of Ecover is right.


It can be a two man job as they aren't always that keen and tend to be flappy, although some love it. A thorough drying is recommended, although mine often play out in the rain and I don't dry them then.

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I haven't actually washed the chickens completly, just their feet as they are pekins and have long feathery legs and the little one loves to dig in the borders.

I just use warm water and then dry them with a towel.


She is Lavender though and so the dirt is more noticable, my darker chicky doesn't dig as much so is less muddy :D (or it all blends in.... :anxious:)


Here's a pic (click to enlarge) :D







Good Luck! :D



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I'd have thought it was a bit risky using any shampoo on feathers at this time of year. You would risk taking any natural oil from their feathers.

We washed our ducks years ago and they lost their waterproofing, had to live in the bathroom till they got it back. :roll:

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I've washed many legs and botties in my time. If that's the bit that's dirty you needn't do the top half if you see what I mean.


It's not hard but it can be very wet and very messy :D Best to have two of you on hand I think. I know it's obvious but do get everything prepared (warm soapy water, warm rinsing water as well if you can, towels, hairdryer, treats etc) before you grab your hen. That way you can just go from one to the other without too much flappiness.


With the exception of one, all of mine have rather enjoyed being dried with the hairdryer. They have been known to purr and fall asleep. Don't hold it too close though as you may burn the feathers. And do dry them well in the present climate, although as Eglutine says they'll more than likely run out into the rain afterwards :roll:

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Hiya :D


I washed our two ladies not so long back, and did it with baby shampoo. Barbara enjoyed it, and started falling asleep whilst being treated to a blow dry, Margot hated the whole episode and made life as difficult as possible! (she's not keen on being handled anyway) The bathroom was filthy when I'd finished.

They did look and smell lovely, but sadly now pong a bit again and their fluffy knickers need doing :cry: !

I would get an extra pair of hands to help :) xx


(green eglu)(green eglu)

(Bluebelle)-Barbara !egg!

(Bluebelle)-Margot !eggspeck!

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