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Hi I am new - what do i need?

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I am the sister of palmer06 who has very kindly given me three orpingtons for my birthday. They are living at his house for the next few weeks so I need to get sorted!.


The chicken house is due to arrive early next week. It is a wooden house, the nesting box on side and nifty pull out metal tray at back for cleaning.


I have a rectangular space in the corner of my garden that I intend to use a Chicken HQ and I was just going to put a waist high fence up rather than an enclosed run. So there will be 6ft fence on two sides, 6ft+ side of shed on the third. Am I being naive to think that the fox won`t get them in the day?


Plan B is to purchase pre made panels with wire mesh and door then roof it with corrugated plastic. This seems to be the more sensible albeit unsightly solution after reading posts on the forum!


Also, I intend to stand the house on paving slabs as there is not a great deal of clearance.


Has anyone got a list of must have essentials and then a list of stuf I can purchase as I go.



Any feedback on my plans gratfully recevied.




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Hi Sis, Welcome!!

Does The other half know about these chickens yet???? I will write you a list of what we have and anything else i can find which will help you on your way. When i left the house this morning they were all getting on which is good and looking very happy. The pictures you saw last night you can use and put on your next post if you want. If not you will have to take some when you come down.

Good luck with the construction!!

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Congrats on your pending chickens!!! :P


I wouldn't be happy with your waist height fence idea. If you're leaving them during the day I wouldn't be confident that they're safe exposed like that. I mean, you don't have to just worry about foxes...you've got neighbourhood cats, dogs...and wild birds coming in and using their drinkers/feeders...contaminating them! :roll: I would personally suggest a fully enclosed run - and if it's covered it's DEFRA compliant, so in the unlikely event of bird flu in your area...your girls SHOULD be safe. :cry:


I'm sure your brother will have loads of advice for you - especially if he already has chickens!


You'll love your orps...and I'm quite sure will end up getting more...and more...and more...and more....It's VERY addictive this chicken thing!! :lol:


Good luck - and post piccies....always enjoy them!

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I'm new to chickens only having had them about 7 weeks! I wouldn't relax if they weren't in a fully enclosed run whilst I wasn't about.


My run wasn't covered when I first had it, and i have to say it's much better now it's got a solid roof. Rain still gets in through the sides but not half as much as if it didn't have a cover - I wouldn't be without it now.




p.s. Opringtons... you are sooo lucky, they have to be one of my favourites :D

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Congratulations - what a fab birthday present!


I would definitely go for the strong, covered run. The chickens will hop over waist high fencing in no time - as would a fox.


Initially, you just need food (pellets or mash), some sort of bedding for the nest box and, preferably, something absorbent for the floor of the run. Everything else you can build up gradually. There are numerous supplements you can use (see the Omlet shop), but I bought the extras as and when I needed them.


Hope we'll see pictures of your girls when they arrive.


Good luck!

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Has anyone got a list of must have essentials and then a list of stuf I can purchase as I go.





Hello, Welcome. :D


Your list of must have essentials for keeping chickens -



Chair or stool to chicken watch

Warm coat and gloves

Flask for hot drinks

mobile phone to text friends, enemies or anyone else about their antics

Someone to make meals for you

Couple of extra days in the week for chickenwatching

Cushion because by now your bums numb.


Hope this helps. :D:D

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Thanks everyone.....


Chicken HQ has moved onto plan B after all your great advise.


I have changed the house that I have ordered to include a run about the same size as an eglu run so that the ladies will be secure when I am not in, which isn`t often as I work from home.


The waist fence is still going up for now so that they have a bit more room to roam when I am in and I can keep them off the flower beds.


Luckily ( and it was sheer luck and not planning) the composter is alreadt in area of Chicken HQ so cleaning will de a doddle, newspaper, straw and poo all straight in there!



Here are Gin, Caffreys and Stella all taucked up at Uncle Ben's house.


I am so excited......... I have got a rather attractive bucket that I plan to upend and sit on to watch my chickens, i won`t get any work done!


I am shopping online NOW for the stuff i NEED and I think as you advise I will buy the rest as I need it.


Omlet shop is great but anyone got any other online suppliers?




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Ok we are onto plan C as the guy who was supplying my wood hen house has let me down, the chickens are due to arrive thurs but he reckons the house won`t be here until next FRI!!!??


So plan c is............... AN EGLU!!!!!!!!!


YAY, the lovely people at Omlet were so helpful and the Eglu will be set up and in the garden ready the the ladies imminent arrival.


I am not sure what I am more excited about, the chickens or the eglu!


Also big thanks to Uncle Ben and Auntie Genene for hen sitting my ladies whilst I get sorted and thanks for the lovley birthday presents!!!


So I am now the proud owner of:


(green eglu)

GNR STELLA - Orpington

PP CAFFREYS - Orpington

(white chicken) - GIN - ORPINGTON


Molly, Oscar and Midge the cats

Justin - BOYF

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So happy with my eglu and love my littl bro for the great present and help today!


We collected the eglu and run the ladies had a little explore whilst we built it.

I have posted some pics (hopefully) but it got dark so no pics of eglu in it`s perm spot on bark.



The girles arrive and venture out



The eglu arrives in pieces



The location for the eglu





Eglu with chickens!


I will post more pics tomorrow of the eglu and run in it`s final resting place!


I can`t wait until the morning to let them out into the run.



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Well they have been here a week today and they seem to be settling in except Gin has the runs but am putting that down to travel, new house, new food etc. Will worry in few days if she doesn`t return to normal pooing!


Here are new pics














Stella will already eat from my hand and the other two are getting closer.


Have been letting them out into the garen about half two and they have been putting themselves to bed at about half four except for tonight where they completly missed the run door and ended up huddled together in the corner BEHIND the Eglu. I had to pick them up and put them in the run door, they obviously wanted to go to bed as all three of them went for the door at once. BUNDLE!!


I am loving them!

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