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beach chick

who's laying what, and are you surprised?

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I thought it would be fun to have a kind of survey on whose chooks are laying what and when, and whether it's surprised you! I'll start:


- Muffin and Crumpet the silkie bantams are laying every day at the mo - despite their reputation

- Crunchie the Light Sussex is pretty reliable

- Meringue the Maran is laying, but her eggs are no longer a lovely chocolate brown, they seem to be beige and speckledy!!

- Sugar the White Leghorn hasnt laid for days (or not that I've found anyway - tho I think someone might be eating them... grrr)

- Paris the Bluebell and Chardonnay the Silver Sussex are currently excused for moulting

- Apricockerel is permanently excused!!

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I'm still getting 10 eggs a week from my two girlies, just one less egg than I was getting in the Summer.


I must admit I am pleasantly surprised - and delighted - as they are both purebreeds and I thought they would stop laying in the Winter, or at least slow RIGHT down!!



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I have 7 Girls in total and usually have 3 eggs per day = approx 20 a week


3 of the hybrids Burger, Porsche & Freckles lay pretty much every day.. the sole wage earners!


Beanz (Pied) is let off as moulting and still playing "mum" and brooding the 3 Pekins (17 weeks old!)

Just hope she gets back to normal soon as went broody the first week I bought her, left the chicks at 6 weeks.. then went broody again and when the pekins joined the flock she started to brood them once more.. so only laid for 1 week since June!


The Pekins are due to come into lay December but will probably wait until Spring so also let off!

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Out of my 7 girls only 3 have started to lay, 2 of them in the last few weeks, I get about 2-3 days a week where I get three eggs and the other days alternate between a brown and Blue, or Brown and cream.

They look very pretty when you open the eggport and all the eggs are in a little heap. :D

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I'm really pleased with my girls. i have 3 gingernut rangers and 3 mrs pepperpots. One of each are not laying (one too young the other in shock after an attack) but between the other 4 I'm getting between 4 a day - once got 5. Is that possible to get 5 from 4 chickens in one day or did my ill one lay a random one again?

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