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Andy T

Help-How To Entertain Chickens?

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My chooks didn't go for the cucumber - but they they're all different. They like balancing on a slightly swinging branch, hanging from the top of the run. One end has a fork that balances on the floor.


They used to like the peckablock, but then stopped eating it. I realised why the other day: the bird flu cover we'd made from the run had kept the peckablock so dry it was too hard. Then a corner of the cover blew off, and the block got rained on: the chooks loved it again!

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I love it too, but must admit to buying at least 6 cobs a week just for the girls..... however, I've spotted some growing down the road, so there could be some late night doggie walks happening very soon! :wink:




We're going to grow some on the allotment next summer - maybe there'll be enough for the girls :)

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They used to like the peckablock, but then stopped eating it. I realised why the other day: the bird flu cover we'd made from the run had kept the peckablock so dry it was too hard. Then a corner of the cover blew off, and the block got rained on: the chooks loved it again!


Thanks, My chooks have stopped pecking their's too. I'll try wetting it :)

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yeh, ive heard singing works...not for me though, and not sure my neighbours would be too happy replacing their windows... :twisted:

i put a branch in the run and often foun my two doing marshal art type kicks, :shock::shock::shock: so i removed incase it was upsetting them, i only want the best! I thought it could be taking up too much of their grass area :o

i think i'll try some pecka block things, i'll let you know how they go for mine.

I've tried hanging different veg, but so far have not found a green they particulary go for, ive let em loose on the veg patch to see if they sniff their favourite out and nothing, just decided to have another bath...

About the cd thing, im sure iv got a spice girls one some where...hope it can 'spice up thier lives' too...

best of luck! J

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We're going to grow some on the allotment next summer - maybe there'll be enough for the girls :)


I grow sweetcorn on my allotment and I promise that once you've tasted homegrown you won't want to share!


I think I may grow one of the mini pops varieties next year, just for the girls as these are designed to produce more cobs in response to regular picking (a bit like beans do) they will also be easier to store either in the freezer or dried.



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