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Rain, Rain, Go Away!

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Sooo much rain here in the last 24 hours.


Yesterday it was a novelty and good to see. this afternoon it has been torrential.


My poor lawn scorched and brown from the hot spell is now slimey and brown. The runner beans have been bashed and battered :(


The 50 gallon watter butt connected to the guttering on the chicken run is full :shock: I have had to empty some away and the greenhouse tomatoes have have 2 extra waterings today.


Archie Pup who has not seen much rain since coming to live with us is refusing to go out for a wee. I have to pick him up and carry him outside and place him down on the grass. Standing in the pouring rain for 20 minutes while he decides to do something is no fun at all.


The chickens were away to roost at 7.30pm tonight.


Everything in the garden looks fresh and clean though and my car has had a wash :D

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