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what would you do? Give me suggestions.

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The downside of playing God with animals - our 2 hens went broody and managed to hatch out 5 eggs successfully. The chicks are now 8 weeks old and one is a cockerel. He is becoming increasingly aggressive to us and fellow chicks, and I know we can't keep him, although I have a real soft spot for the cheeky fella.

Having engineered his creation, I feel awful thinking he's going to have to go. I've asked loads of people if they would have him, but (rightly so!) no-one wants a noisy, pointless male ( sorry chaps!)

What can I do???!!! What would you do???!!!a

Do I take him to the vet for a quick exit? I can't bear the thought of the usual way of 'despatch'.


Advice/condolences gratefully received!

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Hi why don't you post his availability on the practical poultry forum. Include a little advert saying free to a good home and describing his charachter. Remember it's free to advertise on there and somebody may want him. Otherwise he may taste nice if you fatten him up for a few more weeks. What breed is he?

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I did offer to eat him for you - er... take him off your hands :wink::shock:


Practical Poultry is the best bet although cockerels are rather difficult to find homes for. We took 8 off a breeder when we only went to buy one to keep for breeding. We eventually kept 2 because they were so beautiful but the rest were for the pot.

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Perhaps I forgot to say - I'm vegetarian!!!

The thought of seeing my little man's head on a block makes me feel sick! (I know I'm being stupid)


He's probably a rhode island / maran. Dunno - he came from a place where all sorts run around with all sorts!


Thanks for the practical poultry forum idea though..

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Nah, it's just what happens when a veggie starts keeping chickens :lol:


Seriously, as a veggie who stopped eating meat for ethical reasons (and the fact that it tasted of nothing), the ONLY meat I could contemplate eating now is that whose provenance I know. But I have to say that this batch of cockerals will be for hubby to enjoy alone as I'm not ready for that step just yet (if ever)! I get the pleasure of raising them and seeing them flourish, then at six months the rest is up to hubby.

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That's a good idea, and we also live fairly close to the domestic fowl trust. I think I'll go begging to them.

My husband suggested we smuggle him into a petting zoo!

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Oh dear! :oops: - that's not meant to sound as it does :?


The butchers is quite separate from the animal park area :oops: The animal park would be a lovely ''retirement home' for your cockerel 8)



Oh i need the loo :shock: thats so funny Lesley!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


But you still need a guinea pig village of your own!!!

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Hi. there are a few animal shelters which take cockerals


search for "diana animal rescue" in google and you will find the animal rescue centre where I have got my rescue animals from. they have a large paddock, with cockerals, chickens and ducks. they take on anything


I am sure there is somewhere similar near you!

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