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Goosey Lucy

How to fold a t-shirt, Japanese style

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I have never seen that before, wow! 8) I must try that, I bet I end up in a heaped mess though :roll: .

p.s I iron t shirts too! we always have lots of t shirts in our house! :doh: anything that's worn under clothes and cant be seen?? doesn't get ironed anymore.. :lol: duvets get tumbled and taken out folded neatly NEVER ironed as I had a horrible experience getting in a mess ironing a duvet once.. :lol::wink:

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I never iron.Never,ever.

In fact I don't actually own a full size iron,just a mini one solely bought for ironing on the daughters Brownie patches 8)

you must be ultra effecient then :shock: my stuff gets left in the tumble dryer so comes out looking awful lol i'd never get it out as soon as its done. What about blouses/shirts surely they don't come out crease free?

i hate ironing but some stuff just has to be ironed.

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you must be ultra effecient then :shock: my stuff gets left in the tumble dryer so comes out looking awful lol i'd never get it out as soon as its done. What about blouses/shirts surely they don't come out crease free?

i hate ironing but some stuff just has to be ironed.


I probably am efficient,yes.


And as a family we don't wear shirts or blouses ever, so that helps.


When the daughters wore white shirts for school, I got the M&S non iron ones, & all of my summer tops are that great crinkle cotton or cheesecloth 8)

Hubby is a builder,so lives in sweats :lol:


None of us ever look creased,so I don't feel that I am skimping or anything :roll::lol:8)

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I like ironing.


now thats just wrong :lol:


i only ever liked ironing baby clothes.


When my kids were in secondary school i have 15 shirts a week and hubbys work shirts so i had an ironing lady for a while. I would have one now if she hadn't given up, with 3 under 2yr olds and working from 7-30-6 i never feel like ironing (well any housework :lol: ) but have to iron some stuff.

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I like to smell the washing powder from the clothes when I iron. Ironing is relaxing & therapeutic. It's very rewarding to see that lovely pile of clothes after & I'm proud of the creases in hubby's t - shirt sleeves & his shirts. I won't let him go out un ironed. I think it reflects on me & I like people to think I care about him.

Ok, so I don't have a family, but even so I still would iron their clothes too. It doesn't take forever & I put my music on, have a glass of wine on the go. Ok that's the secret of liking ironing! :oops::wink:



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I used to work for a Japanese stockbrokers as my first job and we often had to go shopping at Fortnum and Masons etc to buy gifts as they love to give presents to people.


One of the Japanese ladies was expert at wrapping presents so that you only had one small piece of sellotape keeping the paper together. No matter how many times I tried I couldn't get it as neat as her.


I also love ironing, nice film to watch, my steam generator iron and I'm a happy bunny :D

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I iron everything except socks, bras & my knickers. Even hubby's boxers get ironed. My ironing is so quick with my stream generator iron, that I actually love ironing. I always fold hubby's t shirts like in the shops - it's an Austrian thing I had drilled into me! :shock:

I'll be trying this too!



:shock: good grief... I once had a sister-in-law like that except she ironed everything and I mean everything! Not just the usual plus towels, socks, bras and pants but also the baby's nappies :roll:

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