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Hi there.


I was wondering if Omlet are considering making a larger Eglu? Or not.


I'm thinking of moving to just outside of London (depending on if I can get enough "points" from my council :( ) Due to the fact that where I currently live I have no garden of my own, only the "green" areas around the Estate, and I'm not going to leave an Eglu and chickens out and about, due to Rats and Urban Fox's (and ours are wily lil dogs)


I would like to buy one, but not sure if it is better than the bigger, cheaper (but not as nice looking) classic wood constructs.


I would like to have 2 or 3 chickens. I've just decided that I fancy a challenge, and would like to see what it is like to look after these creatures.


As I don't know how tall or big a Silkie Bantam or a Frizzle gets to be, is the Eglu big enough?


If it isn't, are Eglu considering making a "deluxe" version i.e. a bigger one with something like two nesting areas?


Or would it be better to get a wooden run system.... I do prefer the Plastic Eglu for ease of cleaning etc, as I have a bad leg (due to a recent motor accident), and can't get down on my knees easily or for long.


I have experience with cats, having had them around me all my life, because we bred them. I went to a school that was surrounded by farms (of the cow variety, with the odd clucker) and go down to my local Stables whenever I can, to stroke and feed the horses. I love animals, and I really love egg's. I've never bought battery egg's, because the system is plain evil.


Anyway. What would people suggest.




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Hi Dark Storm

There are rumours flying around about a possible mark 3 version of an eglu, we've had the mark 1 (original eglu), they improved it and launched the mark 2 approx 12m ago, and we all know what an innovative team they are at Omlet- they're unlikely to be failing to pick up on the demands for a bigger eglu that are regularly voiced by those of us who have fallen in love with both hens and eglus...... and are rapidly losing our gardens to a bank of bright, plastic chicken houses :roll:

Read the forum for long enough and you'll find any number of mutterings about the Mark 3 :wink:

I believe that it is for real, not just the fancy of our fevered imaginations, but to the best of my knowledge it's no where near product launch.... so *fingers crossed* it'll be on it's way, but not just yet :roll:

But a Mark 2 eglu is plenty big enough for 3-4 hens, and when you're talking bantams they're so little you can fit a few more of them in, without any loss of comfort. The only problem I'd say is the run size, I wouldn't like to keep 4 full sized hens in a Mark 2 run for too long, but if you're around or have a safe environment, then let them free range (but beware Mr Fox :evil: ), or you can buy a run extender or converter, or build a bigger run.

I don't know where you are in London, but could you arrange to visit an egluowner and see the eglu in action, so to speak. If you check out the list in the Visit an Egluowner section, see if there's anyone near to you- there are several of us in the London area, so you might find someone nearby.

I'm in Dartford, Kent, so just outside London, but I might be accessible if you're in SE London, and I'd be quite happy to show you our eglus.

Bantams :? For bantam advice I'd speak to Claret. She's generally on here quite regularly so may pick up on this posting soon, or else try dropping her a PM. I'm pretty certain Auntye has bantams too, so she's another person worth contacting.... I think she's a Londoner too. That said I can absolutely promise you that the Mark 2 is plenty big enough for 2 bantams or a couple of Frizzles.... in fact I'd say go for 3 (at least :wink: - they're addictive- you'll want more very quickly, and introductions to an existing "flock" can be traumatic, also they hate being on their own, they're very companionable creatures, so if the worst happens and you lose one....the remaining hen can get very lonely :( )

Good luck with the planned move, I hope it all works out well for you, and do keep visiting the forum :D:D:D

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At the moment its not practicle, as I have absolutely no space indoors, without having to sell a load of stuff.


If anyone is interested in buying DJ equipment let me know :lol::lol:


Or, if anyone is an engineer, my Dad is having second thoughts about a 6 foot long live Steam Engine, appropriatly called the A4 Nigel Gresly (Mallard) :shock::D


I really don't have a garden, and I doubt I would be allowed to let the chooks roam about the green spaces for a few hours each day. This is the problem with living in a council flat.


If anyone knows Edgware, in Middlesex, which is near Borehamwood etc. I live on the Stonegrove Est. This is an Estate that is currently under re-development. It's changing hands from Council to Housing Association. Now, as I was recently made slighly disabled by a car driver of the fairer sex (the ones who are supposed to be better drivers :roll::mrgreen::lol: ) and my father is severly disabled, we were told that we would be considered for an early transfer to one of the new blocks, as the block we currently live in is in the last portion for demolishion, which is a good 6 - 8 years away.


We can try and persuade them to give us a ground floor flat, but I don't know if they are still going to have gardens. All I can do is wait till tomorrow, and start making enquiries. If the properties aren't going to have gardens available now, then I might consider moving somewhere like Aylesbury, or, if worst comes to worst, Milton Keynes.. I used to live there and I know how horrible the Council Estates there are. My poor chooks would probably end up being used in some weird ritual :shock:


But if I can't move or whatever, then what I would like to know is just how much space one Frizzle or Silkie would need to live on its own in a house.


What I was thinking of doing, once I have cleared the space, is to use a couple of Cat Litter trays. One would be filled with wood chippings and straw, and the other I would fill (if it is purchasable) with dirt, or sand if that is okay.


I'd also have to buy a couple of those nappies, no matter how silly they look.. I really want a chicken.


What I would also like to know is if anyone here has a cat, and how it reacted to the chicken/s.


I have a cat, which is a Ragdoll. This breed is very placid, gentle and laidback. They are great with children, as they will tolerate anything you might do to them. You could probably saw their leg off, and they would just lay there and purr. My one accepts me putting it upside down in my arms like you do with a baby.


But I have no way of knowing how she'll react to a chicken....


Sorry for such a long post, but well.....

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Hi there, I have two cats and started with two chooks , now three, as someone said they addictive. I've never had a problem with the cats and chooks getting along. The chooks don't let the cats get too close but they warn the cats off not run away and the cats are wise enough to realise the chooks are just a bit too big to take on without a risk to themselves.


I would just say that I think it's advisable to keep chickens in at least pairs. They are flock birds and don't do so well on their own. I really hope you get what you want from the housing people, they often don't seem to realise just how much they are messing with other people's lives.

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I'd have to say that I'd hesitate about considering chickens as house pets :( I think it's terrible that you're constrained by living in rotten accomodation, and I wish you all the luck in the world with moving...... I hope that the council come good for with and get you a ground floor flat, in a great location.

But indoors, in a house isn't the best environment for them..... or the house. They poo, a lot :roll: , honestly far more than you could ever imagine. They need to be able to scratch and dustbathe, and I really can't help feeling that it'd be hard to create the right environment for them indoors. And they're not affectionate creatures. They'll tolerate a hug (in the main- they all have different personalities of course, and some are very reluctant to be caught and held, others seem to enjoy it), but generally their independent pets who prefer to spend their days doing chickeny things, and tolerate us because we feed them, and clean them. Why not try to visit someone who already keeps chickens, so that you can watch them and see how they behave?

I've got a cat and chickens, and they get on fine, sort of- he's learnt to give them a wide berth.... and keeps well away from their territory. They've never hurt him, but they can look a bit menacing when they stretch their wings out and focus intently on him. He always takes fright and scarpers pdq :roll:

But I suppose it's worth stressing that the cat has his territory.... inside the house, at the bottom end of the garden (& all the neighbouring gardens :oops: ) so that he can get away from the girls if he wants. I'm not sure how well it'd work if they were kept in the same confined space indoors.

Kaz who's a fairly regular forum member keeps ragdolls as well as chickens, as far as I know they all get on fine, certainly I don't recall any postings from her about problems with them both.

Good luck, do let us know what you decide, and whether you manage to get re-housed :D:D:D

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I agree with all you've said Kate - keeping chickies inside would be a recipe for disaster for all concerned. I'm not sure anybody would sell chickens if they knew they were destined for a life indoors. They need to be outdoors in their natural environment.


They are such lovely things and I do hope you get your flat with a garden Black Storm as you'll really enjoy all things chickeny so much more if you can see them dust-bathing and scratching about for grubs and worms and having a sun bath in the warm weather. Good luck with everything, and keep us posted!

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Hi Darkstorm


So sorry that I missed your original post - I have had a busy weekend :shock:


I have a mark 2 Eglu with the converter on the run (making the run 8 feet long approx) I keep 7 bantams (see them in my album - link in signature). They freerange for most of the day but are equally happy being in the run all day and there is more than enough room for them all. The girls queue in an orderly fashion for the next box, and as they all lay at different times of the day and sometimes not at all, there is never a problem with them not being able to get on the nest.


As Kate has said, Omlet are working on the production of a mark 3 eglu, which will be bigger. James told me on Saturday that the release will be before Christmas. But we don't have any further details on it as yet.


Bantams are less destructive in the garden than 'big chooks', but I would never consider keeping them inside as the mess and smell would be intolerable.


I come from Elstree, Herts, not too far from you, but don't remember Edgware well enough to know where you are as I left there years ago.


Please don't hesitate to get in touch with any further queries, but I would strongly warn against keeping hens indoors.

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Are there any allotments near you? I think it would be wise to investigate the possibility of getting an allotment and some cheap, basic, chicken housing (or an elgu if you want to risk it on an allotment!). Then keep your chooks there, plus grow some veggies at the same time. :D

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Looking at this from my hen welfare prospective I have to say indoor hens are a no no I'm afraid. They need to do all their natural behaviour outdoors, either in a run or free range.


They cannot be trained to do anything else and need to constantly feed and poop and the risk to your health would also make it impossible,.


In the light of avian flu and pandemic scares the council wouldn't permit the keeping of hens kpet in your home.


I suggest keeping the dream alive and read the forum and look at the hen keeping books and wait for the day you have your garden and you can be sure your hens are having the time of their lives! It's a lovely hobby and hens are just so rewarding and I can understand your desire..patience will pay dividends.


Sorry if it's 'honest' but there isn't any point in not backing up what has already been said.


Hope your garden comes soon :D



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I've tried to persuade me father into moving - and he won't.


He doesn't like the idea of an allotment - and the closest ones to me are still a good couple of miles away - and he's not prepared to drive this every day.


With regards to keeping the chook indoors. I didn't mean all the time - I would take it out for a good 6 - 8 hours each day, but at the moment I can't see that I'll be able to make this work - Flipping council won't give my Dad more points to move :evil::evil: They don't care about the fact that our two noisy nasty neighbours are shortening his life. He's already ill enough. But that's the reason I want to move, on the grounds of his ill health... I never wanted to live in London anyway. I think its a sink hole for a city - every place in London I've been to has been full of glum, sour looking people.


I'm used to living in Milton Keynes, as its where I gre up... If we still lived there (and if my parents hadn't divorced) it wouldn't have been a problem.


We had a very large concrete area behind the Garage, that we could have converted to wood chippings.


At the moment though it looks like I'll have to wait a couple of years for a new flat.


My Estate is being regenerated, and hopefully I'll end up with a ground floor flat... The reason being they will be giving ground floor dwellings a 30 foot long garden - by about 15 - 20 foot. I;ll have to check this though, because the design have been changed.

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I never wanted to live in London anyway. I think its a sink hole for a city - every place in London I've been to has been full of glum, sour looking people.


You're gonna have to watch your back here Dark storm... there are a lot of people who use this forum who live in London and think its great!

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Sounds like you're just fed up there Dark Storm. Try finding out what you can do about the ground floor flat, on the grounds of your dads health? Then you may be able to keep chickens. Having a garden is good for the soul. If not get out into some of those parks you have near by, The daylight will make you feel a bit better.



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I 'sort of' know Edgware, having grown up 10 miles away in a small town. There are some nice parks and walks there to get out in. Perhaps it might be an idea to shelve the chicken dreams until you have a garden Darkstorm. I

I lived in London for 12 years and believe me, there are far worse areas to live in than Edgware. But every town/city has it's positives - seek those out and you'll start to enjoy it :D

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I would like to make a suggestion for the Mk3.


I don't know if anyone has had theirs stolen or not, but it might be a god idea to make an outer piece (that is integral to the body, not a seperate piece) with a hole for a chain to be put through it.


I doubt it would be needed, but it would allow for piece of mind to know that if anyone did want your Eglu and chooks, they'd have to break a chain (I would also suggest if it is considered people use a motorcycle chain like Oxford - expensive but VERY VERY tough to cut)

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