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can anybody assist?

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New hens going well, I've had an egg everyday since I got them!


Just a couple of queries if anybody can help?



Both of the gingernut rangers hardly make a peep - but my one miss pepperpot (blanche) can be quite vocal at times apparently for no reason at all? Is this common in this type of hen? is this her way of telling me she wants something? I only ask as I am waiting for the neighbour to complain anyway and Blanches sing songs really won't help matters! :shh:



Secondly, since I have got the hens I have blocked them in at night in order to prevent Blanche's sing songs, too early - however Sunday night I decided to try them without - Monday morning 7am we were awoken to Blanche!

Blocking them in at night isn't a problem generally, however I work shifts and when on day shifts i have to leave for work at 7am I don't really feel comfortable letting them out just in case Blanche decides to start so early on! Obviously though I can't leave them blocked in? Does anybody have any solutions to this problem, or any ideas?

Generally speaking the hens burst their way out of my make shift wood block anyway, but by the time they do this it is a much more civilised time - when they do this though the wood block stops them from getting back in meaning they would be locked out all day in their run whilst i am at work. :think:


Any advice would be greatly received!

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Hi it sounds like Blanche is a vocal egg layer. I have a few of them. Apart from keeping her in the house until she's laid there's very little you can do to control it. I've not had any complaints from my neighbours about it. If it's only related to egg laying then it's just once a day for a couple of minutes at the most.

Don't worry, just let her sing!

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Agree with Moochoo, its only a hen song and probably when she's ready to lay or just laid. I worried cos mine carry on announcing the birth of an egg but my neighbours say they can't hear them. I took them some eggs anyway. :D If they are laying they still announce it if its before I let them out. :roll:

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One of my pepperpots is a bit noisy on the rare occasion that she deigns to lay an egg. :roll:


Perhaps something in the run to peck at might amuse her and keep her quiet, if it isn't egg related.


Otherwise, I bet you are more sensitive to it than your neighbours are. As ted says, bribe them with eggs. :D

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Helen, it's my Gingernuts that bok bok loudly more than my Pepperpot. I think it is just down to the particular hen rather than the breed.


My girls get locked in their housing until 7am (otherwise I get early 4am wake up calls in Summer). But if she is just announcing the arrival of an egg, hopefully within 10 mins she will have sufficiently "announced" it and stop, so maybe the neighbours won't mind 10 mins interuption of their day (nicer sounding than cars revving, aeroplanes etc). Or is she laying at the same time as the others and making a noise to get them to "hurry up" in the nestbox?

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Thanks for all of your advice, I don't speak to this particular neighbour purely because of the 'stink' that she has kicked up over our aviary birds last year! So offering her eggs as a bribe is not an option. I will speak to my other immediate neighbours though - they are more reasonable thankfully and in the past have been fully supportive re our birds!



My two gingernut rangers are laying daily between them without a sound - I don't think that my pepperpot is laying yet! so I really don't know what her singing is for - maybe she's getting ready?

Just finished my series of early day shifts at work and think that we have mastered a plan for the next time - my boyfriend fitted a door on hinges on the bed of the run which blocks them in, in a morning (after 7am) we take the catch off and when the girls are ready they burst out (normally immediately). The good thing about the door being on hinges is that they can still get in and out of their bed during the day.


I have noticed that my pepperpot is either quiet all day (apart from general chatter) or she will sing all day - so i'm guessing it all just depends on what mood she gets up in! :roll:


Although my three have a nice big bed and a big run they appear to be getting a bit bored - unfortunately due to my shifts they don't get to free range very often. I have tried the treat ball filled wiith corn and the cabbage hung from the roof - both of which they love but I am concerned that they just spend all day eating! Is there anything else anybody has tried to keep them entertained?

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hi i run chicken sanctuary inc 100 plus hens old cd disc hanging from roof to peck at cures boredom or radio on any country western goes well they all seem to chuckle all day happily :clap::dance::D:) lay more eggs

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I dont know whether you have already done this but can you cover your chicken house with something? We cover our cube with a black backed picnic blanket at night (with the black on the inside), try not to cover all the ventilation holes and it makes the house darker and therefore makes them sleep longer! :D


It has worked for me for over 18months now and I dont hear a peep from them until I open the cube door.


The key is keeping a routine and you taking charge - dont let the chickens be boss :lol:

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A wind up radio would be a good solution to the electricity problem - would take a lot of winding though for them to be able to listen to their fave country and western music all day!


I've got a wind up radio and five minutes of winding (to charge) generates about an hour of music.



Come to think of it I do hear chattering when I have my radio on in the garage :lol:

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On the subject of the radio I have a shed at the top of the garden and i somtimes put the radio on up there and forget to turn it off. They seem to like womens hour and gardeners question time best and will come and dust bath under the window they dislike the Archers though and will moan and grumble when it comes on and go and sulk the other side of the garden :roll::lol: picky little sods.


Back on topic, my version of the peperpot (same cross, different breeder) doesnt so much sing and moan contiuesly i've never had anyone complain and their run is just outside somones window. I think chicken owners are much more sensative than anyone else i hear their chatter from the other side of the house but no one else hears it even if they are having a fight and making a real racket.



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