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Bunny meesy house help

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My little Socs (whiterabbit)(pink eglu) has until the recent snow always used one corner of his run as a toilet area. Since the very cole weather he now uses his house and I have to clean it every night because he makes such a mess - I don't mind this but wonder how to encourage him back outside again.


Any ideas?


Thanks, Pinkfairy


(pink eglu)(whiterabbit)

(green eglu)GNR Amber GNR Moonstone PP Peridot

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It's simple - litter train him.


Bunnies are very clean by nature and will always use one place as their toilet - scoop up some of the mess and put it in a litter tray containing some wood pellet litter (it is important to use this wood-based litter and not a clumping one meant for cats).


Keep popping him into the tray and he will get the message. They are very easy to litter train and both my girls use a tray.

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