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Nicola O

Is my Buff Orpington....................

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............really a Buff Orpington :?:


She's one of the Orps that I've had for a month now, but the more I look at her I don't think she is. She is the smallest of the four, smaller than the GNR's. She doesn't have the loose, fluffy feathers that the other Orps have (the others are just balls of feather) and she started laying this week ! The other Orps who are larger than the GNR's don't look anywhere near ready yet.


Her eggs are tiny, weighing between 35g and 40g so could she be a bantam ? Can Orps start laying when they are this small ? It doesn't matter if she's not an Orp - she's very pretty and dinky whatever she is - just wondered if anyone had any ideas.






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Don't know what happened there - but I think the photo's are back now.


How old is she?


My buff orp is 25 weeks (ish) and has no where near the face furniture that yours has. Mine is not laying eggs :roll:


I was told they were all around six months, so seven months now. The Splash and the Blue Orp are just starting to get the first flush of colour to their cheeks, though they don't have any face furniture yet.



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thanks Moochoo :D


Hate to say it but I agree with the others, doesn't look like an orp to me :think: . Have a look a my thread with my new girls on it and you will see my new Orp (LF). She is still quite young but is almost circular in shape.


Still you have a gorgeous girl there :D . I just love chooks. If I had the space I would have one of every single breed available :lol:


PS I'm envious that you have mamanged to get all the other types of Orp. I really wanted a splash and a jubilee but couldn't find any! Where did you get yours from?


Edited to say. I am being really thick! That is a photo of your girl MooChoo! It's been a long day! Nope still can't see your photos Nicola. Maybe it is a problem my end

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Here is Stella my buff Orp:






and a pic of all three, buff, splash and Jubaliee together having a dust bath :D



The pics are not great as just taken them and it is getting dark, plus Stella won`t model for me properly, she says i didn`t book a session with her agent and she will be having her people call my people to set up a more suitable photo opportunity :roll:


Not sure if they help in identifying your orp but hope so. I think your orp looks as round as stella.

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