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Funny stuff around/on Pooh!

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Has anyone had this...


Pooh picked out the nest area today (where the chickens sleep) and one of the poohs (a normal chicken pooh) had this stuff stuck on to it like a pale beige thick stuff that was sort of sticky and slimy, looked like beige playdough, when I touched it ( :oops: ) the beigh stuff was then on my finger like beige paint.


"Ooops, word censored!" at explaining arent I but just wondered if it was something other had had or I have freaky chicks!


Michelle x

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Sorry, its just Pooh in this house!!! Will try and change the habit.


I wanted to get a photo but before I thought about it I had had a good poke around it and then though "oh I am sure they would have loved a photo!!!"


My mum was with me and I said to her "should have got a photo" she said "Oh I have heard it all now, chickens that get porridge for tea and now photos of poo"!


I will do a seach and see if I can find photos of that ceacal poo as prob that.



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I found something similar in my garden once and aparently it's a type of poo they have every 10 or 12 poos. Not sure what it is or why but I did google hen poo once and found out that way.


I remember this specifically because I was staring intently at what was normal chicken poo and what wasn't on t'internet and my hubbie asked me what I was staring at so intently ( I think he was expecting me to say a gorgeous pair of shoes or a new handbag). It was at that point I realised my life had reached a low and I was googling hen poo.


Sorry I can't offer anything more scientific but it sounds exactly like what I found and it was apparently 'normal'


I'll have a look and see if I can find it again....


EDITED to add below. If the link doesn't work go to google images, type hen poo and you should see something entitled 'and this is caecal poo... normal and a link to a webpage on backyard poultry



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How strange, my girls have done some strange brown poo too, which my dog thinks is really yummy :vom: Their other poos are normal and she doesn't eat those. I sweep them up but the brown stuff spreads a bit like thick paint and sticks to the brush.

I had a look at the lash and it doesn't look like one of those.

I looked at the pooh pics and it looks like mine my eat too much greenstuff, they are out for most of the afternoon so maybe they do , Is that bad for them ?

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:vom::vom::vom: Oh it just turned my stomach when you said about the dog only eating certain poos!!!!!

I had a dog years ago who used to love horse poo, maybe it's when the poo is more vegetable matter, something to do with lacking vitamins :think:


I have to say that I'm not as interested in chicken poo as some of you are!!! only how to stop them doing it on my patio!! :lol:

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What has my life turned into !! When first had kids found myself taking about baby poo now moved in to chickn poo! Used to talk about fashion and boys!


It wasnt like that sort of poo - although they do them a lot when free ranging around the garden and they STINK.


It was a much lighter colour and more like chewing gum!!!


At work today but will have a look this week and if I see any more will get a lovely photo.


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What has my life turned into !! When first had kids found myself taking about baby poo now moved in to chickn poo! Used to talk about fashion and boys!


It wasnt like that sort of poo - although they do them a lot when free ranging around the garden and they STINK.


It was a much lighter colour and more like chewing gum!!!


At work today but will have a look this week and if I see any more will get a lovely photo.



That certainly sounds more like a lash than a curry poo. Maybe one of your girls is clearing out her laying tackle and getting ready for that 1st egg :dance: . Any signs of red faces yet or crouching?

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