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Hemcore versus grass - a revelation!

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I've often wondered why Omleteers talk so much about "poo picking" :think: . My run was on soil plus Hemcore or Easibed and I never picked any poo out as I could never see any lying around :? . (Apart from massive ones :vom: which were very obvious and within arm's length of the door.)


Well, now my girls are on the leftover turf from my new lawn. They've been on it for 2 days and I can't believe the amount of poo :shock::shock: . Each day I've had to rake it out as best I can :? .


So my conclusion is, having your run on grass creates a lot more work. The poo is much more obvious as it sits on the grass and doesn't get dug into the run floor.


So it's Hemcore or Easibed for me every time :clap: . Try it, you won't believe the difference :shock: .

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Thank You.


Hi again chick vic, I did go to hungry horse in earlswood. I asked for Aubiose/hemcore and they didn't have any and couldn't tell me when they would have. I told them i wanted something for chickens and they didn't recommend any thing else. I left a bit gutted and headed 4 wilsons pet store, and bought wood shavings as a last resort.


I'm glad you had a better service.


I'll try again this week.



(Bluebelle)GNR(white chicken)

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I'm new to all this and am interested in the talk about different surfaces. Our Eglu and run is on an area of grass and we're moving it every few days. The grass is already getting muddy and dirty. We have 2 dogs (whippets) who will not be safe with loose chickens so we are thinking about fencing an area off for the chickens so they can free range when we're at home but they'll have to be in the Eglu run when we're out. Can they be on Hemcore/rubber chippings instead of grass for much of the day? :think:

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Our Eglu and run is on an area of grass and we're moving it every few days. The grass is already getting muddy and dirty.


Tania, in the Spring/Summer what you are doing is just fine, move eglu frequently and grass grows back, that's what I do. But in Autumn/Winter when grass stops growing due to lower temperatures, I personally find it's just not worth moving the eglu along as grass does not recover. So in Winter, the eglu run has Auboise horse bedding 1" deep (or Hemcore - British brand). The Auboise gets changed once a month and thrown in the compost heap. So they spend the Winter in one place and I reseed it in Spring and then they can rotate again.


My chooks live in their own area behind Omlet netting which I can recomend.

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what about flies in the summer?


Hemcore is treated with citronella oil which helps keep flies away. They hate it.


no flies here either, in the height of summer I hang up an old duster in the roof rafters of my run and spray the duster with a combination of Eucalyptus, lavender and citronella oil & water solution - it keeps the flies away and makes the run smell nice :D

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what about flies in the summer?


Hemcore is treated with citronella oil which helps keep flies away. They hate it.


no flies here either, in the height of summer I hang up an old duster in the roof rafters of my run and spray the duster with a combination of Eucalyptus, lavender and citronella oil & water solution - it keeps the flies away and makes the run smell nice :D



What a brilliant idea - now just have to remember it in the summer.

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I'm new to all this and am interested in the talk about different surfaces. Our Eglu and run is on an area of grass and we're moving it every few days. The grass is already getting muddy and dirty. We have 2 dogs (whippets) who will not be safe with loose chickens so we are thinking about fencing an area off for the chickens so they can free range when we're at home but they'll have to be in the Eglu run when we're out. Can they be on Hemcore/rubber chippings instead of grass for much of the day? :think:



I'm not sure if you can use hemcore in a run if it isn't a covered run because of the rain but i'm sure someone will correct me if i'm wrong.

I haven't used hemcore yet either. i've got a wood house, with wood shavings, and a run on grass, pimped up with omlet grub and glug, and winter cover. I'm planning on using hemcore in the house as my run isn't totally covered.




GNR Gwen

(Bluebelle) Belle

(white chicken) Star


arrived Valentines Day 2009

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My cube is in a permanent position with Aubiose in the run. The run is covered to keep it dry and I never see any poo in there at all. The lawn is a different matter and they free range for much of the day, but the extra fertiliser keeps it very green. :)


I don't have a problem with flies either, but like Chelsea, I use the old horse remedy and it keeps it smelling sweet too.

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Can they be on Hemcore/rubber chippings instead of grass for much of the day?


Tania, picture of eglu + std run + converter as promised so you can see how long it is.

I use Auboise on run floor and keep run covered to keep it dry. Pic 1 was shower curtain. Pic 2 is corrugated plastic from Wickes or B&Q.







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I'm new to all this and am interested in the talk about different surfaces. Our Eglu and run is on an area of grass and we're moving it every few days. The grass is already getting muddy and dirty. We have 2 dogs (whippets) who will not be safe with loose chickens so we are thinking about fencing an area off for the chickens so they can free range when we're at home but they'll have to be in the Eglu run when we're out. Can they be on Hemcore/rubber chippings instead of grass for much of the day? :think:



I'm not sure if you can use hemcore in a run if it isn't a covered run because of the rain but i'm sure someone will correct me if i'm wrong.

I haven't used hemcore yet either. i've got a wood house, with wood shavings, and a run on grass, pimped up with omlet grub and glug, and winter cover. I'm planning on using hemcore in the house as my run isn't totally covered.




GNR Gwen

(Bluebelle) Belle

(white chicken) Star


arrived Valentines Day 2009


I love it "PIMP MY EGLU" instead of Pimp my ride!

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I'm new to all this and am interested in the talk about different surfaces. Our Eglu and run is on an area of grass and we're moving it every few days. The grass is already getting muddy and dirty. We have 2 dogs (whippets) who will not be safe with loose chickens so we are thinking about fencing an area off for the chickens so they can free range when we're at home but they'll have to be in the Eglu run when we're out. Can they be on Hemcore/rubber chippings instead of grass for much of the day? :think:



I'm not sure if you can use hemcore in a run if it isn't a covered run because of the rain but i'm sure someone will correct me if i'm wrong.

I haven't used hemcore yet either. i've got a wood house, with wood shavings, and a run on grass, pimped up with omlet grub and glug, and winter cover. I'm planning on using hemcore in the house as my run isn't totally covered.




GNR Gwen

(Bluebelle) Belle

(white chicken) Star


arrived Valentines Day 2009


I love it "PIMP MY EGLU" instead of Pimp my ride!





(Bluebelle)GNR(white chicken)

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