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Is she crouching?

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Hannahs comb is getting redder by the day :pray:
That's the sign I always look for. We have two Buff Orpingtons, who stopped laying at the end of November and re-started about two or three weeks ago. While on their 'winter rest' their combs went quite pink. Then, once they days started getting longer again, I noticed that they suddenly whet very red again and grew larger. It almost happened overnight. About 10 days later and egg production re-started.



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Then, once they days started getting longer again, I noticed that they suddenly whet very red again and grew larger. It almost happened overnight. About 10 days later and egg production re-started.


Andrew [/color]


Thats interesting to get a timescale against it. hannahs comb did go quite red all of a sudden. As I recall around 8 days ago. i will let you know what happens over next few days...

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Or am I the only chicken keeper in the village!!!! :o I live in a village in Chelmsford in Essex.


Bless my PP Nugget was crouching for britain today and I only had to walk outside and she did her little crazy tap dance.


The funniest thing happened as the two GNRGNR did a little mini tap dance as well like they were trying to copy her.


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