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Facebook's gone newfangled AGAIN

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Has anyone else noticed they've faffed with facebook again? As soon as you get used to it, off it goes again. They're asking 'what's on your mind?' now in the status bar, have rounded the corners on all the photos and are trying to kill twitter.




What do you think?

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Everyone on Facebook has been whinging on about this today.


I'm all bemused as mine hasn't changed yet! I'll join in the whingefest when it does.


Still can't see how they can rival Twitter though - 2 totally different things to me.

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I know! Just as I get used to where everything is, they go and change it all again :roll: . Where is the live read? I've only just started to use it and quite like it.


Now it may just be me not noticing things, but have some of the smileys here got pointy chins and changed a bit?


Edited: Ahh, I've just caught up with the other thread about this. I too don't like the new smileys :(

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