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A chickychickychick-ENN!!

Britney's language

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I've just seen the new Britney Spears video and have finally worked out what the fuss was about. I genuinely thought it was a silly song about someone called Amy. But it's just an oh-so-clever (NOT) way of getting Britney to be co"Ooops, word censored!". It's a rubbish tune, it doesn't make sense and six year-olds will be singing it. WHY do people buy her records? Womanizer sounded like a playground nursery rhyme on its whiny two notes. And this is just dull, crude nonsense. RUBBISH! :evil:

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i love her and so does just about every one i know i got her albulm womanizer was really good and so is "if you seek amy" i especially love "unusual you" i think it depends on your age she isnt abviously going to appeal to everyone and her target audience is younger 14-27 year olds not chicken keepers :lol: ahahah if it were it would be chickenizer :lol::P hahaha


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Sorry im 21 and yes I loved her when she came around the first time but now her music is something I and the majority of people I know (university students/people my age from home) would sooner avoid her music. I think the lyrics are far too crude when you consider her target audience - just as the 12 years olds requsting 50 cent on the radio today made my stomach turn, particularly as they probably understood the double meaning to his words. Sick.



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