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Mrs Frugal


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Cup of tea, anyone :wink: !


This thread went a bit out of control so I have edited out all the ugly stuff and left the usual Omlet forum blend of madness, fun and off the wall humour - hope that everyone is OK with that and we'll sweep what went before under my capacious rug!!

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I am just mad about my chickens and really enjoyed reading about your experiences - you seemed like such a friendly group of chicken lovers and I wanted to be part of it too. Does it really matter what chicken housing we choose? Don't we all have the same highs and lows - first egg, fox worries, feeding questions, poorly chickens etc etc etc? I think the eglu is a great idea and had it been around when I first got my girls I would probably have bought one. As it was, the eglu was just a twinkling in someone's mind so I bought a bog standard wooden ark.


From a non-eglu owning eglu-admirer

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What attracted me to the forum in the first place was the friendliness and the chat and my opinion hasn't really changed. Afterall, there are far more important things in the world to get stressed about ..... like my poorly chicken who has just developed a limp. :( Oh and world peace, global warming, poverty etc etc!

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Phew! I'd hate to think that one posting had spoiled your view of this lovely forum!

and it truely is a great place with great people.


I am happy you are back with us - more the merrier!


If you have the answer to world peace, please let us know! Other than that, any Chicken talk is great!

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My lovely maran (one of my first girls) came out this morning with a limp. I've checked her over and can find no wound or swelling, so I've confined her to barracks and collected her loads of small worms and snails to aid her recovery - fingers crossed!


I have an assortment of chickens, some of unknown parentage (!) as well as my rhode island red, welsummer and of course my lovely maran. I love them to bits and spend ages enjoying their antics - cannot remember life before chickens!

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Life before chickens? Yes, I've forgotten that apart from the fact that my house used to be clean and tidy and I did housework instead of posting on forums :oops: !!


I hope that your Maran's leg's better soon. These things often come and go from what I've seen posted on here, having never experienced it myself. I'm sure the assorted invertebrates will help greatly!! They are such a worry though, aren't they - dear feathery fools! It's amazing how quickly they can worm their way into our affections and become part of the family, isn't it. I wouldn't have believed it until my girls arrived last June. I can't imagine living without hens in the garden now. My youngest's first reaction when he gets up in the morning is to whizz out to say hello to the hens and it's the first thing he does when he gets in from school - no Hello Mum, just how are the hens today :lol: !!

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Life before chickens? Yes, I've forgotten that apart from the fact that my house used to be clean and tidy and I did housework instead of posting on forums :oops: !!


Kate - how right you are! Look at the time. I've not done a thing yet!


Better go and introduce myself to the washing machine..... :wink:

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Hi Guest

Your maran is probably feeling rather cosseted right now :D


If you have done all the usual checks (legs are great because you can compare the poorly one with the sick one and get a good idea what is going on) then I wouldn't worry. My Pollo, a Maran/rir cross has an intermittant limp with absolutely nothing to find and apparently no distress or soreness to her so we just ignore it now.


My only concern, given the intelligence of hens (and I do have a very soft spot for marans because they were one of my main breeds in my 'living in the country with lots of hens' days) is that your maran will quickly associate limp with wriggly protein treats and may start putting it on :oops:

Suggest you introduce a test of dropping said treats at one end of the run and see if she limps as she dashes to eat them :D


The thing that has interested me, having gone from lots of hens at the bottom of the garden to 2 pet ones right outside our back door, is how intelligent and manipulative their behaviour can be. I also do now treat my 2 as pets, ie would use a vet if they were ill, rather than as poultry.


It has been good reading your posts. Hopefully, thinking about the horrid cleaning, de-miting, and weather proofing of my old assortment of wooden hen houses, the omlet guys will come up with a really big version of the eglu for people like youself. I still cannot believe how easy it is to clean an eglu and no red mite after a whole year :D:D


Best wishes

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Mine used to tap on the kitchen window for treats every time they saw me go past it. It got so bad that we had to move them to the bottom of the garden so that I could straighten up and stop doing my Quasimodo impressions every time I went into the kitchen :oops: - manipulation? Oh yes!

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You go to work, come in for a sandwich and find it's all gone on!!


Hello Guest, what's your name? I think just seeing guest makes it a bit weird, hope you don't mind me asking.I noticed an ark with wheels near to us and it's very cute. I chose an eglu for cleaning, not being an expert in the chicken keeping field and terrified of chemicals and funky looks really. It felt right, after the death of our cat I needed a fun addition or 2. There's room for all types of housing and all types of chickens/hens /bantams etc oh and ducks I suppose.


I posted somewhere how things can be misunderstood when you have no visual context or tone of voice. We are a lovely bunch and SarahJo is super. I probably shouldn't include myself but I think it's ok to say that. No one wants to be unkind to anyone here, that's for sure.


Finally...Am I right in saying all intentions were for the positive and we're all ok. Did I hear yep, absolutely?


Bx :wink:

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Confession I'm not sure how to do the 'quote thing' so I can just add to the point on manipulation that mine are at kitchen door and are knocking. I have just run to the bottom of the garden and back to the house with them chasing me to try and get them to eat their corn. No,mum's grapes and tomato mix are better. I'm a softy!!


Re Limp: You could try a foot bath with tea tree oil and warm water, there feet do get a bit of punishment don't they!


Bx :lol:

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As I love going off topic so much... Kate mentioned rugs and mine is in the wash again after chicken poop incident, it's happening on nearly a daily basis, not environmentally friendly at all.


Lesson is don't trust them to come in and watch you wash up or make their afternoon snack. Or lift rug and just have tiles first!




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Re: mishaps on kitchen floors (we seem to have lost the original topic- and it's all passed me by, that's the problem of spending time at work rather than on forums :roll: ) I'm so very glad to hear it's not just me :roll:

The back door gets left open for the briefest time and they're in. Linford Christie couldn't get up my garden path any quicker :roll: . It's not the coming in I mind tho' they're sweet, chatter, endeavour to trip me up, search for s"Ooops, word censored!"s...... and poo- everywhere :shock:

I am so fed up of chicken poo in the house :roll:

Kitchen floor used to be cleaned every other day or so, now it's twice a day :x

I've got to get my children better trained at shutting the back door, but it's got a funny handle, and has to be properly shut, and the handle lifted up to close properly, and children tend to just push it too.

On the closed forum thing I'm a bit torn, as a novice chicken owner I appreciate being to hear other perspectives from people with more experience than I, but I never experienced any of the hostility on other forums that some of you did as that was a bit before my eglu/ chicken owning time. Also, in common with you all the Eglu suits my needs perfectly, but if I wanted more chickens I'd definitely look at more traditional housing.

However, I like this group, with regular postings I feel like I've got to know you all, and without wanting to sound soft I kind of consider you guys all to be friends and I enjoy logging on for a catch up with what you've all been doing. I think we'd possibly risk losing that if this became bigger.

Again, absolutely no offence intended to guests, and as I say I've got quite mixed feelings on ithe subject, and can see both sides :?

Sorry, I'm not really contributing to this debate in any fruitful way, so I'll go.... and clear up chicken poo :roll::roll::oops:

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I don't know - I go off to work and look what happens :roll: I thought I was going to be putting my feet up when i got in.


I would just like to add in defence of 'Guest' that they did put their email address on forum for all to see. I don't think they would have done that if they were only out to cause trouble. I wrote it down and then removed it because it is unfair for someone to have to put their email address if they don't want to broadcast it and guests cannot access the moderators by PM or the email button.


Now Kate seems to have settled everyone I just need to know where the Sticky Buns are? - and as I haven't read the Charmin bit yet, it all went over my head :?


As long as Kate is washing up after we've all had buns - I'm still catching up from Sunday :roll:

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