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Hooray my first egg! + picture if it works

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I would never have believed I could get so excited about an egg. Our eglu (green eglu) arrived 6 March along with our 3 chickens PP Henrietta, PP Priscilla and GNR Gill (don't ask)


I have lovingly followed all the advice i could find on here and in the books and awaited the first egg with baited breath, and today i was greeted by an egg that looked just like it had come from the shop same colour as well, but with small white spots on closer inspection. I was amazed at how smooth it was.


The chickens have been given pasta cooked, brocolli stalks, corn cobs, grapes and apples and have turned their noses up at the lot.... they do however go a little mad for dried mealworms and absolutely potty for mixed corn.


We have to go away for a week at Easter and a friend has kindly agreed to have my eglu for the week, how long will they stop laying for when I move them to his garden (where they won't be able to free range) and when I move them back......does anyone have experience of this.


I do have the run converter so they should be ok kept in the run for the week anyway.


Thanks very much





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Hurrah! the first egg is special :dance: have you eaten it yet?


Not yet I'm waiting until we have two so both myself and the wife can sample the delights...


Congratulations. What do you mean just like it had come from the shop :shameonu: far superior. :D


mmm yes obviously only in size and colour, i'm not sure why the colour surprised me so much....



Th wife made a terrible mistake the other day btw, she is a primary teacher and the kids were doing an experiment on which liquids eggs will float in, she bought battery eggs :shameonu: I have since re-educated her on animal welfare... I wouldn't mind but we only ever eat free range....


I'm at university training to be an Environmental Health Officer and sustainable living and environmental issues are a hot topic in our household...


My latest plan is to convert the world to organic milk, it's more expensive but they don't drip feed the cows low dose antibiotics, these do find their way into our bodies!!! Next step is to write the next silent spring!


I wish.........


Anyway.. thanks for all the comments, sorry I posted in the wrong place, but at least i resized my piccie....




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