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Just been to the omlet stand at the ideal home ex...

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I met a fellow omleteer working away, but i forget her user name .... JLO, JLS, JMS something like that?! :think: Such a scatter brain these days ... anyway she was very nice and looked like she was enjoying herself surrounded by a cube and eglus!! :D

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Comfy shoes are a must Becky! I did spot one exhibitor on a different stand with heels on to rival VB's! :roll:


I am now relaxing with a nice glass of wine which I do feel that I deserve even though I am not sure that my sales technique is the most effective!


It was lovely to meet Moonie! (You were right with the user name!!) I did have great fun and James was good company too,


The time did go quite quickly and what was great was how many people going past would look at the Eglu and the Cube and smile. I was tempted to kidnap one of the stuffed chickens though! :shh:

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No. A few people did ask about other things - notably one lady who did not know that there were plastic roosting bars available. it is just a case of giving them the info to contact Omlet directly.


Edited to add: Thanks for the comment on the Avatar Egluntine!

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