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Hats off to all you single Mums....

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.....because I am absolutely exhausted and I've only been doing it 2 1/2 months. I'm run down, my nails are all broken and soft, I am the queen of spots - I look like an adolescent teenager but with grey hair and wrinkles! :shock: I think my name has been completely worn out by three rather hyper children, my temper and patience has gone the same way. I'm back at work on Thursday after a two week break during which time I have either been asleep on the sofa by 9pm or awake until about 3am, and have eaten almost everything in the house which, apart from making me feel fat and horrid, has also made me feel sluggish and tired out.

Good grief, single Mums get a hard time in the press but what they actually deserve is a flippin' medal. No. Two medals. Gold ones. With diamonds round the edge. I keep telling myself, only 15 years to go....... :doh:



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It does become easier Becky! :)


I'll second that. Once everything settles down and you can get into a proper routine you'll probably find things a good deal easier than when your ex was there. I don't have anywhere near as much mess to sort out around the house since he's gone :clap: :clap:

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You won't realise what a great job you are doing and it does get easier, promise! But it's bloomin' hard work. It was only when I started living with OH 2 that I realised how hard it had been for years on my own with 2 little kids. Hindsight is a great thing, so hear it from others: YOU ARE DOING WELL! :D

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Well done Becky. It does get easier as you get into a routine and suddenly you realise that you're doing it all and it's OK, the world hasn't fallen apart, the baby starved or the dog eaten the cats.


I've been doing it for nearly 11 years now and I'm still knackered! I joke at work about doing a 40 hour week, then going home to my second job! :lol:

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Hats off to all of you who are parents :clap: and especially those that go it alone.


I spent 9 1/2 hours in a people carrier with my brother's 4 children last Saturday (don't ask) and the only reason they are all still alive is because I couldn't decide which one I wanted to throttle first :shock: !. The eleven year old was being hysterical, which upset the two year old who then grizzled for 5 hours, and the ten year old twins were just being ten year old twins.


It really brought home to me just how much patience parents need and how selfless you all are too. Good job I have no children as I possess none of the necessary qualifications for the job :evil: !


Gold medals with diamond inserts all round :D !

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You are tired and worn out but you are totally amazing because you are doing it all on your own and you are making a fantastic job of it :clap:


Virtual medals (encrusted with diamonds), a pat on the back and some good old-fashioned hugs on their way to you right now :wink:


Lisa P

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