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newcastle disease

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a report in the Times tells of an outbreak of this very serious disease. can someone please confirm that omlet chickens are vacinnated against this disease. I know they state they are vbacinnated but it would be nice to know specifically what they have been protected against. many thanks

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Anyone interested in reading up on Newcastle Disease, particularly signs and symptoms to be aware of, click here to view the DEFRA infectious diseases page on the subject.


Please don't panic - the chances of anyone's hens contracting this disease are incredibly rare but some knowledge could be useful. The outbreak near Guildford has affected pheasants and no chickens have been infected so far. Hopefully none will be.

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My breeder's info says they vaccinate all theirs against Newcastles at fifteen weeks. The two I've got are younger than that so I'm not sure if they've been done - I forgot to ask in my fluster (i was terribly eggcited but trying to look cool and calm in front of the breeder :roll: )


Anyway they were very helpful and said to phone if I ever need advice or help - so I think I'll give them a call later and create little vaccination record books for my two. :wink:

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Hello Red, nice to see you back, I haven't seen you around for a while. And great to hear that you've got some chickens, do tell us all. Or, have you already posted all about them in another thread, because I've just gone way off topic here :oops::oops: and this is probably only the 2nd or 3rd thread I've looked at today.

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I was going to ask the same question about Newcastle's Disease. The report in The Times can be seen here:



It says that most breeding and egg-laying birds are routinely vaccinated against the disease, but that any birds which have not been vaccinated should be done quickly.


I found it a bit odd when my birds were delivered to be told that they had been vaccinated, but not to be given any information about what vaccinations they had had. It would be useful if Omlet would list thsi infomation on their website.


My birds look disgustingly healthy this morning, so I am not unduly worried.

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I am quite worried now, we have pheasants in the field behind the house that have escaped from the local shoot.......And I know that Bunty my pure breed that I bought from a local breeder has not been vaccinated, I shall phone the vet on Monday and book her in to be vaccinated it should be fun catching her, just typical she has decided not to be broody this morning, she was easy to catch when she sat in the nest all day..... :roll:


Would be useful to know if the Omlet birds have been vaccinated so I could get them all done at once.

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Thanks for checking that, Kate. (Phew) But it would be useful if Omlet told us exactly what the vaccinations were in total. I thought it was Marek's disease too, but I don't actually know. It is odd to know that "they have been vaccinated" but not to know the details and you never know when it could be useful to have that info.

Could you find out for us please, Kate? :wink:

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I've copied below the reply I've had from Meadowsweet about vaccinations. For anyone who got their hens from Brenda in Co. Durham, I've just spoken to her and all of hers are from Meadowsweet so will be fully covered.


Thank you for your email.


All of our birds are fully covered against all major chicken illnesses,

including Newcastle Disease, Infectious Bronchitus, Egg Drop, Paracox,

Maraks etc. I hope that this will ease any worries you have about the

possible risk of Newcastles.


Best wishes



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OK, just spoken to Johannes and they are getting together the definitive list of vaccinations from the breeder to post on here but in the meantime, Omlet hens are vaccinated against:


Newcastle Disease (Fowl Pest)

Marek's Disease




and all the nasties that lurk around so breathe easy all those of you with Omlet hens.


In addition, James e-mailed me last night to say...


"The only types of chickens that are at risk from

Newcastle Disease are chickens raised for meat and rare breeds that

haven't been vaccinated."


Hope this helps those of you who are concerned.

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Just read in my local paper about the outbreak of Newcastle Disease not far from where we live and I was relieved to find the thread on the subject here and even more relieved to learn from your contact with Omlet that our chooks are vaccinated against it. Many thanks for putting our minds at rest and well done Omlet.





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