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Lazy Days!

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I've had the girls for 5 weeks (tomorrow) and they're getting so 'tame' now (not sure if tame is a word you use for chickens but you know what I mean). I've always let them wander in and out the utility room and kitchen but they soon wander back out when they see there are no treats on offer! However yesterday and today they've come up to the back door where the sun is coming in, preened for ages then pancaked themselves on the mat for a snooze - its so cute! In fact just now Belle and Jasmine are on the mat and Beauty is lying at my feet in the dining room with her head under her wing snoring!

I know everyones chickens probably do this but I'm just finding it all so entertaining.

Do all chickens do synchroniseed preening? - as soon as one of mine starts the other 2 stop what they're doing and join in!

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