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First Christmas Tree of the Year

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1. First Christmas Tree


Was talking to a lady whom I know vaguely in the supermarket queue this am. She said:


"You'll never guess what... they've got a 'bleep' christmas tree up already in the Wheatsheaf!!!! So it wasn't a figment of my imagination.


2. Themed Trees.


Just to get away from red and gold I went for silver and purple. Looks lovely, although it can be tricky getting hold of decent purple ones.

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I would have gladly had some of my grandmothers decorations Shona, as they were lovely, but my cousins smashed them all :(


Some of the decoratyions we got from her are really old - I'm always terrified that the cta climbs up the tree and topples it, or that the boys knock into it, and something gets smashed. However, my granny pointed out, when she gave us them that they had survived the attentions of my dad when he was young, and they had survived the attentions of my brothers and I as we were growing up, so there was no reason to worry about them now.




I do love decorating the tree!

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There was a period of about three years where I had a cat under the age of 18 months so I had a load of cheap Ikea plastic baubles in case one of them climbed it and toppled it but for the last couple of years I have had my nice glass baubles out I still put a ring of the cheap ones round the bottom so the cats can bat them off and chase them round the room :evil::roll::lol:


I now have all the old family ones too as my parents moved to a small house and now have no room for a big tree so this year despite being a christmas phobic I will have two trees one in the lounge and one in the dining room :lol:

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