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laugh or cry

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Ever had one of those mornings? :?


I was getting ready for a client at 10am and at 9.50am I found Lottie, wills and Flo in the ditch. Concerned that I've only just started to let the new girls out i got into the ditch in my work clothes and tried to encourage them back. I only made matters worse and got Lottie back but the other 2 have just gone up onto the bank :roll: I had to shut harrie and charlie away so I can leave the gate open and I have now realised the appointment is next thursday at 10am :roll::roll::roll:


So after all that I have let lottie join them again and hope she will lead them back:pray:, I think harrie and charlie chased them and lottie lead the escape :shock:


I have to go out soon and I just think :roll::roll::roll: let's start again :doh:



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Oh Buffie i hope your day improves..............


I had a similar day on Monday I spent 2 hours looking for escaped chickens in the farmers field that backs on to my house, the gate had blown open in the night. I eventually found them in the woods and enticed them home with corn but when we reached my neighbours house they decided to hop up on the fence and pay her a visit I managed to grab Babs before she jumped in but Ginger was too quick........... :evil: I then had to catch her, easier said than done the others were calling her and she got in quite a state anyway 15 minutes later and lots of herding with a broom I managed to catch her and return her to the garden. I was supposed to be meeting a friend for lunch but it was then too late she came round for a coffe instead and we had a good laugh about the state of me covered in chicken poo and hair all over the place............. :roll:

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Started the day off reasonably well here, got some tidying up done, so the house looks a little less like the before shots on the Kim and Aggie program :oops:


Sat down to have a little look on here with some lunch, and Alfie thought he would be sick on the carpet under my chair :x oh look...cold lunch :(


karen x

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Oh not just me then :lol::lol::lol: The isside out mouse is :vom::lol:


Well Lottie lead them all home safely, they looked at me as if to say 'yes and what's your problem' :wink: . My low maintenance chooks are anything but. Wouldn't chnage it. More wiring to do this weekend then so the allotment will have to wait...again!


I did wake up to a warm pair of kitties and daisie up for a cuddle, not all bad I agree Mel :D ( I can see lesley going :shock::lol: )


Mad house as normal,


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Oh I'm on a go slow I think. Had a lovely sandwich, changed the chooks bedding and litter and booked a new clinet in oh and a walk. That's it, house upside down and inside out :shock:



Loo's will have a wipe in a min and then off to my pal to help with my web design. Will be more fruitful on monday but just nice to chill here and have a laugh with you lot. Not something I do that often anymore :(


isn't it a great day!!


Now't wrong with cuddles eh Clare :D



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I love cuddles Buff - you know me! :roll:


I'm going to clean out all the animals while the sun's still out, then go into town to get some c'mas pressies without Rosie in tow, then come back and clean the house. Rosie has the school disco this evening 7-8pm, so I will drop her off there and go to buy some essentials while she's enjoying herself.

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I have sewing to do this afternoon, so I am at work for another half an hour, then it's off home to let the poor chooks out for the first time in two days and get the sewing machine out. This morning was a mixture. I got up to have scrambled eggs with OH (it's rare we get to have breakfast with each other) and the girls were all being pretty and well behaved. But the s"Ooops, word censored!" merchant came to take our lovely car away. The head gasket blew on Sunday and it doesn't really make sense to spend £600 on a car worth £750. I cried though, we really cherished that car. Services every six months and all the oil it could drink. :(

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