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Forum amnesty day

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HURRAH - my 1000th Post :D .


I agree with the holiday and additional man friday. The mansion would be nice but I'd need some extra cash thrown in so I can employ staff to do all the cleaning, housework, gardening, etc that comes with it.


So, lets say it's a yes for the Carribean and good looking man in a tarzan outfit, and a maybe for the mansion unless I get a suppliment each month to help with the upkeep.


Sound fair?

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Absolutely Gina I love where I live so I don't want the house and I like the bionic roller skate I drive so have no use for an aston martin but I haven't had a holiday in years and well if you could arrange for the man Friday to be a millionaire it would do two birds with one stone 8)


Congrats on the 1000 (again :oops: ) Gina.

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I didn't say I drove the Aston Martin though - I can't cope with a big car :oops: . I'll stick to the Ka instead :wink: . The 10 bed house had to be downsized a bit too (quite considerably actually!), the month long caribbean holiday was cancelled so we had a day at Hunstanton instead and I married my Man Friday 18 years ago :wink: .

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I didn't say I drove the Aston Martin though - I can't cope with a big car :oops: . I'll stick to the Ka instead :wink: . The 10 bed house had to be downsized a bit too (quite considerably actually!), the month long caribbean holiday was cancelled so we had a day at Hunstanton instead and I married my Man Friday 18 years ago :wink: .


Ahh, bless :D

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