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The Good Life - part3

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Let's hope so 8) No yellow 'glow in the dark' backsides yet :lol:


Chocchick - I'm wading through books about the Natural Diet and the BARF diet and trying to work out what to do :?


We kept Jazz on boiled rice and cooked chicken for some time over Christmas and then put her onto Burns. We've slowly been adding things back and when we gave her raw egg again, she was sick again.


So far she's OK with Burns, yoghurt, fruit and some veg., multivitamins and zinc tablets. We've tried her with cooked egg today as a new item - everything else has stayed the same.

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So will he only mate with them if they are in oestrus rather than just bonking them all the time? Sounds like a sensible conservation of his energies :?


Yes, that's right.


After that newspaper article you gave me yesterday, i just don't know any more :?:shock::lol:

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147 days is the gestation for sheep and goats :shock:


115 for pigs and 280 something for cattle just in case you get any more ideas :lol:


head full of useless info me :roll:


That's not useless! - it saves me having to look at the book! :D Thank you :D


We asked for - and received - a 5 year Diary, for Christmas. I'll add that to the information pages. I'm starting it as Year 2 as i want to add all the things that happened last year, so that we keep a proper record of everything.


I know this topic needs another Spring Clean - I'll make sure I note things down and then give it a good going over soon. It looks like I might have to come on here at something like 2am to make sure i have a clear run :wink:

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