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The Good Life - part3

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Last time I looked, they were all ignoring each other :?


I'm glad the cockerel has some full sized hens to look after. the Cream Legbar baby is now around 25 weeks and we thought she was getting ready to lay. She's very small still and yesterday, she couldn't walk :( We think the cockerel may having been paying her some unwanted attention :roll: - she's now in the wooden ark on her own but with all the others around her.

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Other News:


Oliver the Ram went back home on Wednesday. None of his girls were interested in him any more and he'd taken to head-butting the fencing posts :roll:


Carl got the trailer stuck in mud at the top of the field, and with ordinary road tyres on the Freelander, had no hope of getting it out. We had to phone the nextdoor farmer and he came along with his tractor :roll:


We candled all the eggs in the incubator on Wednesday night. We have some which are clears and 1 with a blood ring but we've left them all in the incubator for a few more days as the shells on the Marans are so dark that we cannot be sure. We'll test them all again on Wednesday.


I'll have to set up a brooder in case any of the chicks hatch while we are in Edinburgh - but they are due to hatch the day we come home.

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Lulu and Lulu haven't laid for ages - perhpas a move will do them good.


I think I might have to take the little chick to the vet tomorrow - she's Ellie's offspring and is called Ellie Baby (as opposed to Jelly Baby :roll:) - the vet is going to love that :roll: Last time I phoned and asked whether they treated hens they told me the vet would come out to my car - I wonder if that is still the same :?


Oliver will only have the Alpacas for company now - his owner doesn't have any sheep - she just keeps Oliver as a pet. She'll probably have no fencing left by next week :lol:

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