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Cat problem

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Some of you (Phil yes I'm talking about you :roll: ) will find this problem highly amusing but I need some advice here :evil:


I have 3 adult able bodied cats in the house Charley is a female quite elderly and fairly mean the other two Tink and Mr Chips are young Tink is 5 and Chips is 3 both boys and both wusses :roll:


I have another neighbourhood cat that is terrorising them :evil:


It has been going on for a while and once it came into the house in the summer and went upstairs attacked Tink and actually drove him out of my house :shock: It was hours before he came home :roll:


The last couple of days Tink has been trying to pee in the house because he is too scared to go out this morning he managed it in the clean waiting to be ironed laundry :evil::evil::evil:


I have to do something - but what :wall:


I can't be too mean to this beast because and wait fo it this is where you will all laugh at me :?



































It only has three legs :eh:


I want a water gun that can fire at long distances so every time I see it I can drive it away but "Ooops, word censored!"ody can tell me what is the best one to get volume is not important but distance and speed are because it runs away from me but I want to start soaking it EVERY time I see it to try and stop this :roll:


I fear I am going to have to try and retrain a 5 year old cat to pee outside :evil:


Chips is also not coming home in the morning when this thing is in the garden :doh:


So I thought you guys between you may have an idea of the best gun to get :lol:

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This did make me laugh :lol:


Who does the rogue tripod cat belong to? - can you go & "have a word" with the owners,maybe?

Not that they could do very much,a cat will go where it wants & behave how it likes, but if it is an un neutered male then maybe they could get him done & that would stop his nasty behaviour?

It sounds like he is being terratorial,so maybe he is un neutered?


Or, you can always borrow my dog 8)

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A supersoaker is what you need.

Get a couple & have them "loaded" & ready in strategic posistions around the house so you can get him easily.


Another idea - do you know where he comes into your garden & is it an area you cats use?

You can get these things that squirt water & are on a movement sensor,so you could set it up at his entry point to get him whenever he comes near.

The only danger is that your kittys may get a soaking too,if they go near it :?


You can also get mats with a mild (to us) electric current,which stops a cat from wanting to tread on it.But again,you need to make sure your own cats don't get the worst of it too :roll:

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The Super Soaker water pistols are very good. It is really awful when you have a bully in the neighbourhood. In our last house we had a really nasty cat living near. I ended up with a very large vet bill and so did a neighbour. Also the couple that brought our home had a cat and that was also bullied by the same cat. OH wanted to catch it and drive it to the next county :roll:


I have an excellent cat book that has a chapter on this problem. It is written by a lady who is a “cat whisperer”. I cannot remember off the top of my head what it is called. Would you like you borrow it Louise?

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This beast sits by the cat flap to mug them on their way out :evil:


The garden is not enclosed at all it is completely open to the land next door :roll:


Last year chips had a nasty abcess on his tail which he wouldn't let me clean so I ended up having to give him antibiotic injections for five days as tablets wouldn't have been good enough the infection was so bad :x He also had another tail sore but that didn;t get infected but he lost quite alot of skin and I am sure the beast is the reaon :roll:


I think a couple of pistols is a good idea Sarah I just have to find somewhere that sells them at this time of the year :lol:


I don't think psychology will work with this monster Paola I have already tried making friends with it in the hope it would be nicer but nothing works :evil::evil::evil:

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Sorry to hear about the horrid cat. Perhaps it feels inadequate because it only has three legs and is compensating by being a bully :?:lol:


My mum recommends chilli powder around the edge of the garden to stop cats coming in but that's no good to you unless your cats have a liking for spicy food.


Hope you are a good shot with the water pistols......the only other suggestion is to chop another leg off the bully so it is down to two (sorry, very bad taste :oops::oops::oops: )

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We have a similar problem at the moment with a cat coming into our garden and upsetting Jack, who is a real wuss puss. He runs away at most things and hids under Charlie's duvet :roll:


The cat even thought on one occasion that it would have a go at one of our girls - lots of squaking and feathers flying but it realised it had gone after the wrong thing this time.


We've always spray it with the high powered jet on the hose pipe. Haven't seen it for a few days - the last time it came into the garden, it saw me get the hose and it legged it :D

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Sorry to be so late in seeing this Louise.


We had something similar a couple of years ago - 'Fat Leo' from a few doors down was squeezing through the cat flap and raiding my cats' food bowls, spraying around the house. I was continually frightening him away whenever I saw him in the garden. I spoke to the owners, all to no avail :roll:


I ended up fitting a magnetic cat flap - fabulous :D no intruders at all. He does still come in during the summer when I have the back door propped open, but he's very wary of me now.


Good luck with Tripod Louise

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I have a magnetic cat flap so it can't get into the house unless the door is left open which is not a problem at this time of the year but in the summer I like to leave the back door open when I'm around 8)


The time he snuck in I had gone into the kitchen for a millisecond so he must have been watching :evil:


No sign of it over the weekend but it seems to come in spates ie never see it or it is there every day :roll:


Argos have water guns in the new catalogue 2 for 7.99 so I am going to get a set and see if it helps :roll:


Wretched thing :evil: if it ever gets a magnetic collar I will have to go down the really expensive cat flap route where it recognises individual collars :roll:

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I set up a sprinkler in the garden, attached to the hose. I directed it all along the bottom of the garden, where the cat came in. This made the garden impossible for that cat but the chickens, and the rest of us, didn't get wet. It worked very quickly and I haven't seen it in the garden again!

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We used to have two elderly cats that were terrorised by the cat next door. This cat would come in our house through the cat flap, scare our cats off and eat their food. It never got to a full blown fight (ours were too old), but he "ruled the roost" and our cats were really unhappy. So I set the cat flap so that he could get in, but he couldn't get out. I came down one morning to find him cowering next to the cat flap, yowling because he couldn't get out. I then filled a washing up bowl with water and drenched him (yes, I know - *much* mopping up afterwards :roll: ). He was terrified and never set a paw in the garden again. Now, I know this probably all sounds a bit harsh - but it solved the problem! :D

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That's EVIL Graham!


We always use the hose on unwanted feline visitors in our garden. Between that, and the smell of Tiggers parps, we don't get bothered by rogue toms anymore!

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We used to have two elderly cats that were terrorised by the cat next door. This cat would come in our house through the cat flap, scare our cats off and eat their food. It never got to a full blown fight (ours were too old), but he "ruled the roost" and our cats were really unhappy. So I set the cat flap so that he could get in, but he couldn't get out. I came down one morning to find him cowering next to the cat flap, yowling because he couldn't get out. I then filled a washing up bowl with water and drenched him (yes, I know - *much* mopping up afterwards :roll: ). He was terrified and never set a paw in the garden again. Now, I know this probably all sounds a bit harsh - but it solved the problem! :D


Having been terrorised by 'Fat Leo', I can totally identify with that solution Graham. Louise, the paint sounds a great idea :D

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If you are quite sensitive don't read on.........and I'm not suggesting anyone else tries this....... :oops:


We were never allowed a cat so when a stray turned up when I was about 8 I started feeding it. Of course, very mangy stray cat kept coming back, every day, and then started trying to get in the house and my dad discovered what I had been doing.....


....so he put the cat in the boot of his car and drove it into the countryside (only about a mile...), down a farm lane, slowed right down to a couple of miles per hour and then popped open the boot (his car had a boot you could activate from a button inside the car) and the cat jumped out probably half frightened to death....


...he told me that it would be happy at the farm eating their mice :cry:


Louise - Drenching the evil cat with water now seems quite reasonable :wink:

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When I was younger, someone actually painted one of our cats yellow. It was horrible, poor little thing. She had to go to the vets to get properly clean as the paint had been brushed right down to her skin and would cause poisoning. Also of course, she was licking like mad to clean herself up and absorbing the paint that way too. :(


The same cat ate a slug when she was a kitten. It stuck to the sides of her throat and she couldn't breathe. My mother and I had to use tweezers to remove it, piece by piece. She was lucky to survive!

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