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Football Chat continued....

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Some shockingly bad predicting this week!!!!!!!


Chelsea top scored with 2points

Dan picked up one point


but everybody else a big fat ZILCH!!!


Dan and Chelsea jump over Lorna - but otherwise the table tells the same story..


Princess Phil still seven points clear!!!!


Phil                              36 

Helen                           29
Chelsea                       28
Dan                             28
Lorna                           27 
Annie                          26 
Martin                         26


come on guys - it's almost as if you are BEGGING me for another photo!!





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we don't normally do midweek games...


but if enough people ask me very nicely and say nice stuff about Bolton... then I'll think about it!!!





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you all need as many chances as you can get to catch the princess....




Coventry vs Wolves




Aston Villa v "Ooops, word censored!"nal

Man City v Chelsea



Martin - u are officially responsible for PM-ing everyone to make sure they have a fair chance of knowing we are doing these games!! Can't say fairer than that!





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I was gonna put a draw martin, not to put your team at fault cos I think at Villa park you could hold on for a draw,....but with "Ooops, word censored!"nal being "Ooops, word censored!"nal and their lucky decisions....I feel a penalty is easily won by them. So they will just beat you.

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