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We are getting in some new stock shortly and they will have a slightly larger fit to them.James


I'm sorry to nit-pick but how much larger?


I really want a pink T Shirt :D


(this, from the person who refuses to wear anything with a 'name' on it is praise indeed!)

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Yes I thought the word "slightly" was a bit ominous too. I'm not ashamed to say I'd like a size 18 - bearing in mind that the existing sizes come up small anyway - and I want one in each colour and I want proper girly shaped T-Shirts not big square jobs becuase I may not be a skinny but I do have a waist! ... so there! :roll:

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Count me in too I ordered the large ladies T shirt in green and although it is lovely and the material is really nice it is a little on the tight side.........So I then ordered a medium mens T shirt and like you say Red it is a" big square job" so yes size 16 to 18 would be great I would love to wear an Omlet Tshirt, but when I put mine on everybody makes that sucking noise and shakes their heads and then I take it off quick...... :lol::lol::lol:

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Really, really pleased that we are getting larger t-shirts, but agree size 16-18 plus are needed - we don't like them tight fitting and we need room to grow :D


I was also thinking wouldn't it be nice for Omlet to produce them in the same colours as the Eglus. 8) We would then have a good choice. But please, please don't forget that there is still a YELLOW EGLU


What do you think :?:

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I have asked Johannes ( who orders the t-shirts ) to read this topic and order the t-shirts accordling. I'll let you know what happens and exactly what sizes we are going to get...




You'll be everybody's favourite person then! With Johannes a close second; we'll have to send you a cake - I know that's your soft spot, although you'd never guess!

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James, I just realised that you don't do little girlie pink t shirts either.


My nearly 3 year old loves the look of the t shirts, but as she is a princess she won't wear anything but pink. Sadly the kids t shirts you sell seem to only be fit for smelly boys..................

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Just seen this and horror of horrors they aren't catering for real women. Not making excuses but it's their age!! They are still in that 20 somethings age group.


Campaign names ladies??


Barbara's do come in all shapes and sizes and if I have the nerve I can bring this up on monday when I hope to be seeing Johannes. I am sure if they know there is a market they will supply them!


Bx :wink:

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