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Martin B

They're here!

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It's fantastci martin, haven't got a chance to read it all now, also missed where you got the eglu . How lovely!! :D


Tell me who gave it to you so I don't look so daft won't you :oops::D


EDIT Ok have seen who gave it to you and just wonder how it came about, couldn't happen to a nicer guy


BBx :D

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Oh dear Martin...................I hope your neighbours aren't too mad :evil::evil:


Do all Bantams make a lot of noise :?::?::?:


*she asks having just got 2 little baby banties that cheep all the time.................but it's really quite sweet and not loud at all................hoping constant cheeping doesn't turn into constant squawking*

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*she asks having just got 2 little baby banties that cheep all the time.................but it's really quite sweet and not loud at all................hoping constant cheeping doesn't turn into constant squawking*


I don't think they've shut up since they arrived! :x:roll::lol:


They are well loved though! :D

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