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Stopping Chickens getting bored

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when you say mostly covered over, do you mean with the Omlet cover or have you got some fancy awning???????


At the moment I have a tarpaulin 3m x 2.4m which just about covers the whole run - when its windy the rain does get in at the sides though.


This is what I ordered back in September:



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actually in hindsight I wonder if Omlet should have thought of something like this? The green one they sell obviously covers half the run, but the tarpaulin type one would cover the whole run (offering presumably more windchill protection) and being clear would maximise the amount of daylight as opposed to having half the run covered in dark green!!!

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when you say mostly covered over, do you mean with the Omlet cover or have you got some fancy awning???????


I also have hemcore in the run, its fab.


We have a clear cheap shower curtain over the run and then the summer and winter shade over the top, the shower curtain is mainly to keep them dry underneath and the shade to keep them in the shade - I did initially just have the omlet shades but found it seeped water when we had heavy downpours in the winter so the shower curtain helps ! :)


Call me soft - but now in the summer im going to get them a cheap patio parasol to put near the run door to keep them cool !!! :lol::lol:

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Today Chickie was scrating around as if she wanted a dust bath, so I put in a tray of dry soil. They didn't bath but they both scrathed around for insects/grabs whatever for a good few hours which amused both them and us.


how about doing the above but mix meal worms in so they have to dig for them?

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Found a good one for them now the gardening weather has started! Save dug up weeds and tip into their run instead of on the compost heap (CAN'T let them out while I'm digging they help a bit too much :shock: ) ie dandelions and dock leaves are favourites, including the roots! Also if I come acrosss any slugs or grubs, they go in too. Keeps them quiet for ages digging through for the bugs and eating the greens! :lol:

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