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Having read the link about spraying the bars with rubber, and using plastidip, we have decided to go ahead with this. So I thought I would give you the details of the lovely people we have just ordered our plastidip from. They are selling on Ebay and are really reasonable - the spray can is £8 plus postage and they will combine postage for multiple orders. They are trading under the name plastidipukltd (you can do a seller search) or just tap in plasticdip. They have a phone number whcih I can pm to people or you can find it on the ebay links. I asked for blue which they weren't listing and they are happy to supply it. Might be worth giving them a try - I spoke to a lady named Judy - she was great.


Claire x

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Thanks Claire, I will check them out on Ebay later .


I did mine a few months ago in clear & they are still looking good.

I quite fancy giving them a swizz of something colourful too now, so might look out for some pink 8)



EDIT - here is a link to this sellers auctions, to save anyone else from having to do a seller search



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You might want to order new roosting bars for my eglu if you're planning on spraying them, they get scrubbed and disinfected every week, but they're on their last legs I'm afraid. That's why Omlet sell them as spares.


Sounds like a good idea though!

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You might want to order new roosting bars for my eglu if you're planning on spraying them, they get scrubbed and disinfected every week, but they're on their last legs I'm afraid. That's why Omlet sell them as spares.


Sounds like a good idea though!


don't worry - they arrived yesterday :-)

Also Hubby a dab hand so we ordered one set and he is going to make me 3 more sets so I can have a pair for yours and a pair for Beck's. Your one is having black bars and Beck's is having blue. I wish they did the fancy colours in the sprays because then they would have been wierd & wonderful. You do realise that the eglu's will be forever referred to by their former owners names. :lol:

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query - why ARE the bars made of wood, when everything else is plastic ... is there a reason why Omlet don't do this? do chickens mind roosting on plasticated ones?


I can see it would make cleaning a lot easier, and cut down mite hiding-places. Do the bars have to be brand new, or just extra clean, before you coat them?


sorry, lots of questions - would love to know how you get on, redfrock.

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well gripability sounds like a perfectly good word to me, Egluntine!


I wondered that - do they find it harder to roost on plastic bars? Anyone out there who has succeeded with this, who can comment? I guess there must be a reason, either economic or chicken-related, why Omlet don't supply them in plastic.

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here you go:




The designers answer to the question is quite simple. We thought it nice for the chickens to have wooden perch. The wood is soft on their feet and warm to the touch. Also it is rather like the wooden flooring that is so fashionable and in our chicken focus groups this came top of the list!




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hmmm! Thanks for supplying that quote, redfrock. If the answer is that chickens prefer roosting on wood, then I can understand that ... but fashionable flooring? :roll:


If my wooden floors were anything like the roosting bars I'd be laying carpet pretty quickly!


Anyway, I heard recently that Laurence LlewEggy BoHen says that PlastiDipped roosting bars are the latest craze :wink:

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