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oooooohhh!! Checkout the Sunday papers!

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the Sunday Mail (my dad brings me down the magazines once he's read them cos I can't be othered to buy papers!!) reckons that the Eglu Cube is the new ubercool way to keep chickens!!

I still say purple is the ONLY colour to have but there you go!! :lol:


Mrs Bertie

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I saw the eglu in the Mail :D:D

First time I'd actually read the Times article though, I'm sure a link or reference to it was posted at the time, but I was on limited computer time and didn't check it out, so thanks for the reminder Egluntine. I noticed a few familiar names popping up in the responses bit, praising the eglu- well said all of you. But I was very :(:( about the comments from the guy in NZ. I'm supposed to be emigrating there in a year and had planned to sneak a cube into our container. Well it's not like hubby could do much about it once I'd got it to the other side of the world with all our furniture etc. But if what he says is right and keeping chickens in a garden isn't allowed then I am truly one very unhappy bunny :cry::cry:

More research needed I think :think:

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Just read it! Jamie Oliver and Sadie Frost are celebs who "have invested" in cubes!


This was in the Sunday Times on 15th April.



Couldnt get the link to work (edited to say I can now)

Though odd their eglu link went through to Buffies old blog and not the omlet site


They better not get preferential treatment

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I bet the Sunday Times article was the one that Johannes was talking about when he rang me last week, i guess they didn't need me after all :roll:


The Sunday Times article was from April 15th so your 5 minutes of fame still looks likely!

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I was very :(:( about the comments from the guy in NZ.


Kate - I just came on to fore-warn you about it as I just spotted it too. It's not a nice post is it? I'd be inclined to ignore it, and to find out for yourself. It seems very extreme to me to be shooting hens like that.


And look at this persons comments....I wonder what has fuelled this bitter outrage?


So, is a hen for life not just for christmas? Or will the suburban middle class morons be slaughtering hundreds of thousands of innocent chickens in a few years time, when noise, work and cost become a nuisance and the next designer handbag appears.


Neil Murphy, cromer,


(We're not all middle class morons you know! He's obvioulsy not talking from experience is he. Moron!)

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So, is a hen for life not just for christmas? Or will the suburban middle class morons be slaughtering hundreds of thousands of innocent chickens in a few years time, when noise, work and cost become a nuisance and the next designer handbag appears.


Neil Murphy, cromer,


(We're not all middle class morons you know! He's obvioulsy not talking from experience is he. Moron!)[/color]


Here, here! I had my say on that article page, as I think a number of you did :D

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