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advice for a friend

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A friend of mine would like to get chickens but hasn't as she lives on an RAF base and is worried that the constant low flying aircraft would be too much for them.

We get quite a few here and they seem to have learned to ignore them.

Do you think it would be too stressful on chickens if she had them or would they soon get used to it?

(I don't think she would be able to affors an eglu but if she does get chickens I'll point her this way :))

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yeah we get the lancasters and the massive American helicopter gunships coming over here as well as the jets but theyre low level flying rather than coming into land.

I'm hoping to get her to agree to some cos I know she would love it :D

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We live between 2 RAF bases. All day long and sometimes well into the night Tornados, Nimrods, search and rescue helicopters pass over our house very low :twisted: The girls were startled by the noise for the few few days but now they just ignore them.

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We leave near Leicester Airport (not quite the same I know)

Initially, girls were a little scared when planes flew over, I just made reassuring noises and they're fine now.

Which is good as I fly from Leicester and would want to be personally responsible for scaring them.


They are still worried by lawn mower - so I sit with them when OH is mowing back lawn until they're used to it.



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They are still worried by lawn mower - so I sit with them when OH is mowing back lawn until they're used to it.



:shock: I hadn't evenb though of checking on them then. They'll definetly be used to it by now.



Well I think I've convinced her. She says shes now working on her hubby. We know what thats like :D

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