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Cate in NZ


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Oh Chelsea you haven't lived until you've been to IKEA!


The crowds, screaming children, lack of stock, people barging past, boxes piled 20 ft high, incomplete flat packs, waiting for your OH to return with the car as they have stupid parking arrangements and oh, the queues! Its worth going just to stand in line for 3 hours!



I love it! :wink:


edit - go on a Saturday, its even more fun!

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The crowds, screaming children, lack of stock, people barging past, boxes piled 20 ft high, incomplete flat packs, waiting for your OH to return with the car as they have stupid parking arrangements and oh, the queues! Its worth going just to stand in line for 3 hours!


That sounds like fun Christian! Do they hand out free medication to those who can't cope with it all? :D


Never been to Ikea and not likely to go in the future either. I prefer the little independant shops you find in the smaller shopping areas, they usually have good customer service and nice things at good prices too!

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