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Hi :)


DH has always been keen to get ducks...he is 50 at the beginning of June and I would like to get him a couple for his Birthday depending on what answers I receive to my questions below...


From what I have read two female ducks would be ok?


I have read that runner ducks don't necessarily need water to swim in but for them to dip their heads into?


How much space do ducks need as a minimum?


Do they make lots more noise than hens who cluck after laying?


Could two ducks be mixed with 19 hens...sorry if this is just a stupid question!


I have a space I could section off for ducks...but it really does depend on how much space they need.


I have a spare Eglu...would this be suitable for ducks to sleep in? or would i need to buy them other accommodation?


Mr Snox would be so thrilled to get ducks for his Birthday...so I am keeping my fingers crossed for some positive feedback.


Are there any other crucial things I need to know before taking this further?


Thank you :)



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HI there,

We are relatively new to duck keeping...less than a year, but here is our experience to date.


Ducks need company, so having two would be better as they can bond and have company of their own. Chickens don't like water as much as the ducks do! They do need water to cover their heads to clean and wet their eyes. I put grain in the bottom of a garden trug and they use that quite happily. Occasionally they will even get into it and do a full body wash!


We had 5 ducks in a smallish pen - used to be a winter area for chooks-and they made a right mess of it! They dibble and dig with their bills when it is wet and consume all bits of green life going. So I guess it depends how much garden you mind getting landscaped duck stylee!


Our runner ducks hardly make any noise at all, the girls have a louder voice than the males, but they do not announce their laying. In fact often they just deposit the egg wherever they happen to be. We leave them in later and that way we do actually get the eggs laid in their hut.

Our ducks were initially on their own, then came 20 hens, then we saw sense and reduced down so they share with 8 now. They mix ok, but the drake or one of the hens will sometimes front up over some tasty titbit. No injuries at all though from it.

Not sure about space in eglu, we have 6 ducks in a large converted dog kennel, and they seem ok in it. They put themselves to bed at night, all troop in together and settle down for night, I just have sawdust and hay in there. They do make quite a mess too, so regular cleanouts needed. Their feet are more prone to injuries if there are plants, sharp rocks etc and they need a ramp up to their resting place so as they don't hurt themselves charging around.


This is their starting home



It soon looked like a mud mire, with no grass at all!


See here http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=5614484&l=cd993c6ccf&id=657633393


We love the ducks though, and the eggs are great, our girls lay one a day and one also laid through the winter every few days. I have 10 due to hatch in about 10 days, and also have some goose eggs too. Love the chooks, but seriously love the ducks too...such characters.

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Hi :)


DH has always been keen to get ducks...he is 50 at the beginning of June and I would like to get him a couple for his Birthday depending on what answers I receive to my questions below...


From what I have read two female ducks would be ok?

Yes, from our experience.


I have read that runner ducks don't necessarily need water to swim in but for them to dip their heads into?

We have khaki cambells, they love to a have a swin in a kids paddling pool but must be able to dip their heads.


How much space do ducks need as a minimum?

Ours were free range on a small holding so I will 'pass' this one.


Do they make lots more noise than hens who cluck after laying?



Could two ducks be mixed with 19 hens...sorry if this is just a stupid question!

Yes, but they don't roost do they? Or do they? LOL - doubting myself. They mix fine but ours didn't 'sleep' together.


I have a space I could section off for ducks...but it really does depend on how much space they need.


I have a spare Eglu...would this be suitable for ducks to sleep in? or would i need to buy them other accommodation?

Omlet say ducks can live in Eglus :think:


Mr Snox would be so thrilled to get ducks for his Birthday...so I am keeping my fingers crossed for some positive feedback.


Are there any other crucial things I need to know before taking this further?

There will be more poo. :lol:


Thank you :)



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Thank you so much for your replies :clap: very much appreciated :angel:


I had a Khaki Campbell duckling named Dilly when I was 13...my Mum brought her home from work one day...she then left my Dad and Dilly was given away along with Cocky my bantam :roll:


I cannot see pics from your facebook link...but would love too 8)


I can separate hens from ducklings initially...reducing the amount of space my girls have...but could then mix them all together eventually :think:


My hens are on bare, hard earth with a bit of straw...the girls scratch it out of their hen house...would this be suitable for ducks too?


I am happy to buy them a house that is suitable...what would you suggest?


I am thinking that 3 would be a good number for the same reason it is with hens...if you get two and one dies then you have a lone duck...what do you think? Would 3 girls be ok together?


I went to a local garden centre a few weeks back and saw 3 ducks in what I would consider a small area...one of the ducks was quite a size too...and they seemed very happy...I would like to give any ducks I would buy the space they need...although I am restricted to a certain degree because of my garden set-up...what size in terms of square metres would 3 ducks need?


I would like to get the quietest ducks possible as I already have 19 hens who can make a bit of a racket when they announce egg laying...especially when 3 or 4 or more join in :whistle: My neighbours are tolerant but I have got the odd comment from one of the husbands...who clearly dislikes animals although his two teenagers would love a dog or hens :boohoo: Are Khaki's the best for quietness in your opinion?


I am so SORRY for all the questions...but I like to do research before I embark on anything new...


Trying not to Google anything as Mr Snox may see it...that's why I am asking all my questions here :shh:


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Cannot help on the sq m amounts. Ours have had a fair bit of space, and then adjusted to sharing it with the chickens and then 4 geese. Geese got moved into field once laying started as the ganders got a bit aerated with Mr Drake keep doing a nest run by with all his ladies.

I have lots of pics on FB, but this is my fave so far.http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=5741387&l=9dc7c73ae2&id=657633393

Originally the ducks were in a small outhouse, with stable doors that just got propped open. They do not roost but do like to huddle together and make a sort of nest to lay eggs and overnight in. Something simple like a dog kennel with a door would be ok, as long as they can be secured away from foxes etc till let out again. We acquired a mini appleyard from a lady moving to Spain and she is much noisier than the runner ducks for sure. She saw we had ducks, or rather heard the drake, but could not see/hear the girls. If you can let them having a paddling pool or something to bathe in, they will love it. Although they can do without it, as soon as there is enough water to get body in, they will- so guess it is their fave.


I will try and take a video of my lot coming out in the morning, and coming down to meet me for feeding time, so you can guage the noise!

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That is exactly what I am thinking :whistle:


I could put them within the free-ranging area...the girls would have to lose a bit...but I just don't know how restricted for want of a better word they can be without being miserable...


If if just isn't possible then it will have to be a thing for the future maybe


I really wanted to get Mr Snox summat he really would like for his 50th...he had decided on a flying lesson...it was all agreed money wise with his family chipping in but now he has bombed that idea...



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Thank you so much for doing the vid...it is brilliant...I love your set-up but I wouldn't have that much space sadly...think my husbands dream and mine too of becoming duck owners is fading fast :(


I have always loved ducks ever since I owned Dilly...have often referred to her...but I think it will have to be a thing for the future when we have more space...I could only offer them a 2-3 metre square piece of space...wouldn't want the sweetie pies to be miserable :cry:


Once again, I really appreciate your efforts both in replying and taking the time to take and upload the vid...your ducks are gorgeous :drool:

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A website I used at the start of our duck owning recommended a space of 7m by 7m for a trio of runner ducks. Free draining so it does not collect surface water and become a quagmire.


Hope that helps, our set up is I admit not our doing, we got it with the house. However when we collected the ducks, they were in an electric fenced enclosure, with a duckhouse in the middle, another 3 ducks and a goose...and it was a small part of the garden sectioned off. It did not have any grass left I remember that much, but it did seem quite small but the paddling pool took up a fair chunk.

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I've had 4 runners since last year so will try and answer your questions below...


From what I have read two female ducks would be ok?


Yes that would be fine!


I have read that runner ducks don't necessarily need water to swim in but for them to dip their heads into?


Strictly speaking runners don't NEED to swim, but they LOVE it. I'd feel bad if I didn't let them have a swim in the pond. At the least they need a kids paddling pool!


How much space do ducks need as a minimum?


Mine have a run about 12m long by 3. But they spend most of the day running a 3rd of an acre.


Do they make lots more noise than hens who cluck after laying?


Yes!! My girls are VERY quacky so if you have neighbours who are less than tolerant you should think carefully! They spend a lot of time nagging! Feed us! Let us out! etc etc!


Could two ducks be mixed with 19 hens...sorry if this is just a stupid question!


Mine free range together but they don't mix as such. In fact even my most placid chickens chase them off!


I have a space I could section off for ducks...but it really does depend on how much space they need.


I think this is a good idea. They are VERY wet which isn't ideal for chickens.


I have a spare Eglu...would this be suitable for ducks to sleep in? or would i need to buy them other accommodation?


I would say runners are too big for an eglu. I bought the large duck/goose house from Green Frog Designs.


Are there any other crucial things I need to know before taking this further?


Ducklings are VERY cute... maybe consider a drake as well!

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I have been researching for what seems like days...I am such a dithering idiot :roll:


Have read lots about Muscovy ducks being very quiet and also came across Cherry Valley ducks that are suppose to be fairly quiet although I have read here that someone had one that was very vocal :whistle: Really have to consider the neighbours 8)


There is someone very close by to me who has some Cherry Valley ducks for sale that are 25 weeks and laying large eggs...I am so tempted to go take a look tomorrow but feel nervous...still not sure if I am doing the right thing space wise...or mess wise...although I do have 4 children, 19 hens, 1 dog and a cat oh and a DH...good job I didn't think too much about space and mess before they all came along :lol:


Think I have sussed what I would need for them water wise...a little unsure about housing...HELP please? I am a little confused about food...have read they can eat hen layers pellets?


If any of you have time to help me out on this one I would appreciate all the info you would like to pass on...


Either need to go-ahead or put it out of my head completely...


Thanks :D

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Someone up the road from me has muscovys and they are VERY quiet but they can fly so you'll need to clip their wings! Both muscovys and cherry valley are bug ducks so you'll need something quite large. I think muscovys like to perch so that's something to consider.


I feed my runners on regular layers pellets and they seem/lay fine!

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We feed ours layers pellets morning and nightime, and because we have the drake, he gets wheat as well. They are pretty good at balancing out what they need. Ours also get tons of greens, they like pretty much anything! I chuck the weeds, flowering veg over, and my most recent spoil them :roll: has been to steam and puree some nettles which they adored!


Ours live in a dog kennel...this has a mesh gate at the front to lock them in at night. They have stone steps on the way in as they are not so nimble as the chickens.

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I have two call ducks in a pen 6ft x 6ft the floor is covered with straw and the whole front of the pen comes off so we can just muck it out with a long fork like we do the stables but I have to say the only real mess is around their bath. they have a cat carrier to sleep in and a tub trug to bathe in


The female call ducks are noisy, I think i've been pretty lucky with mine though! Black East Indies may be an alternative small duck to consider


If it helps I can get a pic of our set up?

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My cherry valley salt was so loud im sure you could hear her for miles my parents cherry valleys are very vocal as well not sure if they are a good breed to get if your worried about noise i lost salt nearly 2 years ago she became egg bound i still miss her now standing on the edge of the pond quacking very loudly im sure she was singing im the king of the castle leanne :)

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I am so glad you have posted a comment Leanne...I was going to PM you...because during my research I had read your post regarding how loud Salt was. I have to admit it has made me think seriously about Cherry Valley's and nearly put me off considering them at all :eh:


I went to see some yesterday...wanted to check out their size and quackiness and to spend some time with them before making a decision as to whether or not ducks are for us (oh course I mean Mr Snox's 50th Birthday prez) :lol: When I approached the pen they were in they started quacking but quietened very quickly...they were a peaceful lot I thought...


Others have said how quiet theirs are too...


I am hoping that the two I am collecting on Monday afternoon will be ok but of course you just don't know until you get them home and live with them...


It's a bit like hens really...some people say that a particular hybrid is clucky and others say they are not...


I am keeping everything crossed for a well behaved pair :wink:


Thank you to everyone who has posted comments...I am now very much looking forward to collecting the girls on Monday afternoon...everything is in place so wish me luck :anxious:

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