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Poor bedraggled chickens...

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...I just had to take a photo as they look so sorry for themselves! At least this wet weather brings up lots of worms etc for them and it's funny to see them chasing away the pigeons and starlings that arrive as soon as the rain stops.



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My 2 refused to come out in the rain today - the rain has been biblical though. They have huddled under their shower curtain and baccawed pitifully at anyone going by. I have taken them a nice bowl of porrige with some raisins and grapes sliced into it to make sure they are warm and cosy on the inside - I like to think of them a bit like the old ready brek advert from the 70s/80s with a nice orange glow and a duffle coat (not quite sure what they's look like inthe coat though!)..I hope they take themselves off to bed nice and early and snuggle up warm. I think they are a bi under the weather having had their second attack with the louse powder this monring before the rain began!!

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I've just finished blow-drying Gwen and Doris :shock::roll: They were absolutely soaking and looked thoroughly fed-up so as a special treat they sat in the hall and enjoyed warm gusts from my hairdryer! Gwen is so funny, she makes a sort of purring noise when she's content - aaaah!



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Ah... so it isn't only mine who are daft enough to stand out in the rain, when they have a very nice completely waterproofed run.


Do I really need to dry them? Its their own fault they got wet!


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great photo :)


my 2 spoilt girls who hate the rain spent the whole day in the garage sat in front the warm tumble dryer tearing up newspaper to amuse themselves :roll::roll::lol:


oh and they found the spare "peckablock" I had hidden in a box


Tee hee - what is a 'peckablock' by the way? :lol:

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