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Has anyone seen the new pirates of the carribean..?

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Monsters Inc is one of those films I would pop on for the children if I wasn't feeling well, and wanted peace, but I've never actually watched it - is it worth a view then Emma?

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Monsters Inc is one of those films I would pop on for the children if I wasn't feeling well, and wanted peace, but I've never actually watched it - is it worth a view then Emma?



:shock: Are you having me on???? :shock:


Its one of the best animated films of all time!


You can watch the trailer here - http://www.pixar.com/featurefilms/inc/theater/index.html


Each Pixar film has a short film to watch at the beginning too, here are two of my all time favourites


For The Birds






I much prefer animation to some of the claptrap you get at the cinema these days.


You will love the films Shona!

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I thought the 3rd Pirates of the Caribbean film was great - best of the 3 perhaps and def better than the 2nd which i thought was a bit of a let down after the 1st. I seriously think it will be a mistake for them to make a 4th especially after the bit after the credits which isn't really worth waiting for. They should leave well alone now - Disney have made a great trilogy and should now leave well alone. Shrek 3 is a great example of this - terrible film and lets the first 2 down (which i loved) :cry:

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I'm with those that liked Happy Feet 8):D:D

I think that I previously confessed my Penguin addiction :oops: ......... I've hugged a real live little Penguin 8):dance::dance: .

When we went on our recent holiday and had to endure long flights there and back I watched Happy Feet.............. 3 times :shock: Well it was definitely the best option compared to all the other predictable Hollywood blockbuster things that they offered.

It was a bit corny, and they did suddenly leap to happy ending without any explanations, so not the greatest film ever, but I loved it and I don't care :roll::oops::lol::lol::lol:

Who else has seen March of the Penguins :wink::D:D

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