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Guest Belinda

Egg bound?

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Don't you feel like this somtimes? Made a delicious quiche last night (parmesan instead of the usual cheddar in it really is nice) but my enthusiam for all things eggs is starting to wane a bit. I just can't get through them all, try as I might. How does everybody else use them up?!! There are only two of us and our girths are expanding. I am taking another 6 round to my mother tomorrow...

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I have that problem too Belinda, There is only me and I get at least 12 eggs a week from them. Everywhere I go they get a gift of eggs. One of my neighbours was walking past with his dogs one night when I was removing eggs and he went home with them :lol:


The girls have just filled the order of 12 for my dad who is coming to stay this weekend so with 12 going North and the number he will eat this weekend I may be cleaned out completely by Monday :shock::D

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So I shouldn't feel guilty that I am not madly baking cakes and making merangues? Phew.


(I did make some lovely chocolate ice cream last week with a pint of milk half a pint of double cream, three eggs and a slab of Green and Blacks bittersweet plain chocolate....)

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Nah - don't feel guilty Belinda. i got the chickens because I wanted them the eggs are a bonus. I just don't ever want to waste them so i give them away. If I ever get any more chooks I would try selling them to my neigbours but its not worth the effort with only 2 chickens 8)

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We sell ours.

Problem is lsat week we sold all of ours and I ended up buying some from the supermarket :roll: (another good reason to get more chooks) - although we will probably sell them too...............

RECIPE PLEASE for chocie ice cream - I have just ordered my shop from Waitrose (only because i had a £15 off voucher to make it more economical) and have just orderd Green and Blacks Vanilla ice cream. Apparently you are meant to leave it out of the freezer 10 minutes before eating. Yeah. Right. It will last 10 minutes when I get it out the freezer............

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I clicked on this topic thinking someone was in crisis about an eggbound chicken, only to find a 2 page choc discussion. When will you all ever learn..........


....that its OK to like G & B and Cadbury, its not either / or for me!


Or was choc. an eggbound solution?


(PS, a joke...choc. bad for chooks)

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