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bantam chickens is run big enough

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If they are free-ranging for that amount of time every day, then the eglu and run are perfectly big enough for two hybrids and two bantams. You just need to take a bit of care when introducing new birds to a flock though as there will be fisticuffs at first.


The way that works for me is to separate an area off the for the newcomers for a week or more, so they can all see each other and interact through the wire, but they can't actually get hold of each other. Then I start with some supervised mingling just before bedtime, gradually increasing the amount of time until they have settled any differences.


Good luck - bantams are brill!!

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Good luck - bantams are brill!!


Hi Jools thanks for your reply, i have a seperate run that we are putting the battams in for about a weekin the daytime so that Nelly and Doris can get aquainted, but will they be ok in the eglu together at night or should I keep the sleeping arangements seperate for the the first weeks or so .


Any advice would be so appreciated, I am quite nervous about this I have had mismatch replies and are thinking am I doing the right thing, but our chickens love company and are always wanting to come in the house just to sit with us so I thought if I get two Bantams they would keep them company.




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As Jools has pointed out, you will get conflicting advice on this one. There have bene incidents reported on the forum of banties being picked on quite severly by hybrid or bigger hens. I have 8 bantams in an eglu with an extended run, they freerange all day, but you also need to bear in mind whether they would be confined to the run if you were out all day or away. I have always affected introductions using seperate accommodation, and it works fine. There's an excellent sticky somewhere about introducing new hens.

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