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Louise's Jamboree Bag/Split from Special Day

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She'd never forgive me! I spent 3 hours on the phone listening to her woes last night, making 9 hours in total this week! One of the moans is that I don't make time in my life for her :!:


I wish it wasn't like that!

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Oh bad luck Louise. I haven't turned the heating on yet - it's still about 18 degrees down here. I hope you don't get too cold and I hope the men get to you really quickly.

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The outside tap scenario makes me grin :D Sorry! However I know how frustrating it is trying to run the house without the facilities you need, so I sympathise. Nothing is quick and simple like that. I hope it's fixed really, really soon.

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Its not making me grin Ginette grimace maybe :lol:


It won't be forever and I can content myself with the knowledge that I caught it straight away and have little water damage (I got dripped on getting the ironing board out). However if the plumber has to cut a hole in the ceiling to get at it - no difference as the plaster would be ruined anyway :lol:


I am good at coping as I sometimes lose water in the winter if it goes below -10 it often happens :shock: At least this time I HAVE the outside tap :roll:

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Sorry Louise. I shouldn't have said that should I?


Our pipes got frozen one year and every time we wanted to flush the toilet we had to go over the road and get a bucket of water! Before we could do that we had to dig our way out of the drive. We were frozen with no heating and I had to sleep in a track-suit with a bobble hat and gloves on as well as two pairs of socks. It all seems funny now but it was a nightmare at the time.


Have you got some sunshine this afternoon? Our mist and fog has just lifted and the sky is even a bit blue. I'm still hoping the washing (towels etc) might get dry but I'm not sure that it will.

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Thursday :!:

Poor you. The novelty will definitely have worn off by then. Probably has already if it was ever there!


Rain on its way tomorrow, so possibly even more miserable for you. I hope you find something fun to distract you!

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