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Ex Battery to Bond girl!

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Last Thursday we picked up three rescued battery hens and installed them very gently into their brand-new eglu. I can't do CoopCam but the new girls are settling in nicely with the original four: Miss Moneypenny, Pussy Galore, Bambi and Thumper.


Combs are turning red and two are standing firm. They're beginning to run, not hobble and there's a lot of slightly surprised flapping which is going to be formidable when all the feathers grow back.

Grass is being eaten, dust baths explored and they'll soon get the hang of foreign food: potatoes, bread, green stuff, as they can see the others belt over when the bowl appears so it must be worth finding out about. At the moment Tatiana will take a piece of potato from Pussy on principle and then drop it because she doesn't know what to do next. Easy. Moneypenny whips it.


So Tatiana, Solitaire and Tiffany are all doing amazingingly well in only five days. We've even had five eggs and the quality is improving daily.


Does your heart good.


Thank you to the Battery Hen Welfare Trust for all the hard work they do getting the girls a chance for a decent middle age!


And thanks to Omlet for making such luxury apartments.


If I find out how to post photos, I'll keep in touch.

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I really enjoyed reading your post Starkey


It really does your heart good to read about how well the ex battery girls do when given loving new homes


Well done and best wishes to your girls


I'm sure some clever person will come along and help out with photos, we would all love to see them :D

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What a lovely post Starkey.


Welcome to you and the Bond Girls.


Clever idea for names .....I don't think we've had Bond Girls before.


Would love to see their progress when you have got the hang of posting photos. You'll need a photobucket account I think...or similar.

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Thanks for all your good wishes - which will be duly passed on.


Today's new experience was rain.

Solitaire and Tatiana just stood there looking totally bewildered and increasingly soggy until they spotted the others in the dry patch under the fir tree, then two wet duvet fillings made a dash for it. Watching a chicken shake off the rain is always an entertainment in itself.


They're beginning to show battle scars from the pecking order sort-out. Newly-nicked comb on one bled quite dramatically for a minute or so this morning. I take it we just let them get on with it? There wasn't a problem with the first girls as they just had an afternoon's discussion and voted.

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